Input Volume + Midi out notes.

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    • #107752

      Hi Guys I have 2 questions regarding the Eventide H8000FW.

      1) I am using an external Synth (Virus TI2), connecting using unbalanced mono cables from the synth to the analog Eventide inputs 3 + 4 (1/4 inch plug), the synth volume is all the way up.

      the Eventide metering on the input shows at max about -12.

      Is that ok ?

       2) I connected a MIDI cable from Eventide Midi Out to an external device (Creamware Pulsar Card), I open a Midi channel inside Cubase5.5 and choose on the output "Eventide Dice"

      When i play my keyboard i can see that the "Busy" light on the Eventide is working so the Eventide receives the signal but I cant get any Midi signal on the Creamware card.

      Any Idea why the eventide is not sending any notes ?

      Thank you very much


    • #121810
      Eventide Staff


        Is that ok ?

        Probably. You could adjust the "PreA/D Gain" to increase it a bit. (UM p.73).


        Any Idea why the eventide is not sending any notes ?

        I have a pretty good idea. The "Eventide Dice" (FireWire MIDI in this case) is an input to the unit, not a source for the MIDI out connector The MIDI outs are only used when the H8000 itself generates MIDI.

      • #121813

        Thank you Ni

         1 – Understand and work perfectly.

        2 – I understand, do you think I can use the through ? sending the Midi notes on the FW to the unit, and let them continue to the next hardware using the through ?

         Thank you Tomer.

      • #133025
        Eventide Staff

          Sorry. The FireWire MIDI and the DIN5 MIDI are entirely separate, so you can't use the unit as a FireWire MIDI interface for external equipment.

        • #133026

          Thank you


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