Is is possible to sell one of my two licenses of both UltraReverb & UltraChannel?

Home Forums Products Plug-Ins Is is possible to sell one of my two licenses of both UltraReverb & UltraChannel?

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    • #112562

        I am considering selling a couple of my Eventide licenses but I am unsure how it works. Any help is greatly appreciated.

        I have 2x UltraReverb licenses (registered).
        I have 2x UltraChannel licenses (not registered, got it free through notice from Sweetwater).

        I don't need 2 licenses of each, so can I sell off one of each and keep the remaining one without problems for me and for the buyer?


      • #139060
        Eventide Staff

          You can sell your licenses of Eventide plug-ins.  I believe there is a $25 license transfer fee imposed by PACE, but you are able to sell any Eventide plug-in license for whatever price you'd like.

          However, each license has two activations.  You may sell a license, but both activations will go with it.  If you genuinely have two licenses then you may sell one and keep one, but if you only have one license, you may not sell one of the activations.



          • #156926
              DGillespie wrote:

              You can sell your licenses of Eventide plug-ins.  I believe there is a $25 license transfer fee imposed by PACE, but you are able to sell any Eventide plug-in license for whatever price you’d like.

              However, each license has two activations.  You may sell a license, but both activations will go with it.  If you genuinely have two licenses then you may sell one and keep one, but if you only have one license, you may not sell one of the activations.





              related topic, but different: I have purchased the H9 Plugin-Bundle and I understand I have now two licenses, which I will use for my two computers.

              What happens if I need to replace the computers?

              Thanks and best regards


          • #139246

              Dan, thank you! I sold my UltraChannel license and watched my two auths being pulled from my iLok as you describe. Prior to that, I remebered to un-register the license before selling it, so the new owner can re-register it. I’m leaving these comments here in case anyone is having the same question.

            • #139247

                Correction: I meant my UltraReverb 🙂

              • #156939
                Eventide Staff

                  Hey, if you need to replace the computers, you should deactivate the license in iLok License Manager before doing so.

                  If for whatever reason that's not possible (say if the computer dies), you can request a Machine Activation Reset and we can free up the license for you.

                • #158218
                  tlongabaugh wrote:

                  Hey, if you need to replace the computers, you should deactivate the license in iLok License Manager before doing so.

                  If for whatever reason that’s not possible (say if the computer dies), you can request a Machine Activation Reset and we can free up the license for you.

                  Hi I’m in this situation where my activations are on machine I no longer possess. How can I get a reset for my UltraChannel plugin activations?

                • #158223
                  Eventide Staff
                    oddio wrote:

                    tlongabaugh wrote:

                    Hey, if you need to replace the computers, you should deactivate the license in iLok License Manager before doing so.

                    If for whatever reason that's not possible (say if the computer dies), you can request a Machine Activation Reset and we can free up the license for you.

                    Hi I'm in this situation where my activations are on machine I no longer possess. How can I get a reset for my UltraChannel plugin activations?

                    Please contact with your iLok information and we can perform a machine activation reset for you.

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