Is the Mission SP-H9 expression pedal compatible with H9000?

Home Forums Products Rackmount Is the Mission SP-H9 expression pedal compatible with H9000?

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    • #161798

        I have a Mission SP-H9 pedal:

        This was designed particularly for the H9 and has an integrated switch and LED indicator.
        (not sure I fully understand how all that works with a single TRS cable connection, but ok)

        Can anyone tell me if this pedal would also work with my H9000?

        Ultimately, I want a solid, simple expression pedal for my H9K, but the earlier threads here all seem to lead to some large and expensive guitar pedalboard type solutions.
        Since I already possess this Mission H9 pedal, I was hoping to simply repurpose it, but didn’t want to risk damaging anything by plugging it in to a device where compatibility wasn’t specifically declared.


      • #161818
        Eventide Staff


          Yes, this expression pedal should work fine with the H9000, it certainly won’t damage anything. If you’re using a TRS cable and set the pedal mode to “expression pedal/1 aux switch”, that should allow you to use both the expression pedal and built-in switch. More info about pedal setup and calibration with the H9000 can be found here:

          Let me know how it goes.

        • #166024


            I am wanted to use a Roland EV-5 Food Pedal with my H9000. Also this pedal (I was trying out other typs too) seems to have “calibration problems” I wasn`t using any pedal until now because I never got it running but now I think I give it another try.

            The problem is that the values around 0 and 100 are not translated smoothly. So sometimes I have a value 4 when my pedal ist closed.

            It does not matter if I change direction of the pedal ( closed means open and open means closed)

            It would be nice to have padels that work without jumps in their values and really reüresent 0 to 100.


            The Link from the post above does not work anymore…

            Thank u for you attention!



            • #166025
              Eventide Staff

                I’ve just repaired the link in the above comment. I will test out your issue with an EV-5 pedal and get back to you.

            • #166026

                Great! I am looking forward!!!

              • #171058

                  I’ve just repaired the link in the above comment. I will test out your issue with an EV-5 pedal and get back to you.


                  I am also facing the same problem. Is there any way to solve it?

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