Issues with loading an algorithm from the H-8000FW to VSig

Home Forums Products Vsig and Preset Development Issues with loading an algorithm from the H-8000FW to VSig

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    • #105665


        I have noticed what appears to be some issues with VSig:

        1. Loading an algorithm from the H-8000FW to VSig causes all the modules to be placed in the upper left corner.

        2. Zooming in an area of the VSig causes some of the cables to appear coming from the left side of the ADC modules, where there should be nothing.


        1. Is there a way to re-arrange the modules so that they are not cluttered?
        2. Is there a way to load all the FX algorithms from the H-8000FW in one go?


      • #117542

        The modules are a graphical representation only. The real language is text ( sigfile). You can rearrange order using the Ordering menu or the Edit one, with functions available there. Check Vsigfile Help for more details about them.

        You can only download a single algorithm at a time.


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