It’s a scam! stay clear! no serial key!

Home Forums Products Plug-Ins It’s a scam! stay clear! no serial key!

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    • #167952

        This is by far the worst experience I have had buying a plugin like WTF? why is it so complicated, and customer service is nonexistent, My product does not show up in the ILOK license manager, and also have not been given a serial number or license key to use the product, and haven’t heard a response from emails, this happened so many people as well and haven’t heard of anyone actually being able to get it working, god knows how long I’m going to be waiting for this if it’s even real?


      • #167953

          Screenshot 2022-12-26 at 00.01.01

        • #167954

            I don’t give 2 fucks if it’s the holidays m8, the product should come with the correct information to get it working, you have took my money off me and now I don’t own shit, don’t sell products over the holidays that can’t be used!, if your not prepared to help costumers out setting it up when it’s this company’s shot admin, I don’t get why I should have to chase you guys up when you have took my money off me? I’ve payed for many plugins/vst over the years and never had to beg to get the product that I have paid for, this service is fkn shit!!!

          • #167955

              happy holidays to you too… but I am not an employee of this company I use there stuff, and it works for me… I couldn’t care less now, if it works for you lol, and mu willingness to help as been impeded by your holiday cheer rant…

            • #167957

                m8 by the time they get back to me I’ll be gone and won’t have time to use it any ways so I pretty much just lost my money, I just don’t get why this info wouldn’t have came with the product, apologies though sorry if I pissed you off that rant was aimed at the company not you.Merry Christmas xx 😂😂

              • #167958

                  M8 unless you have my license key & serial number then there’s not much you can do really is there? I’m sure you’ll get over it. Please don’t loose any sleep over this. 😘😘😂😂

                • #167996
                  Eventide Staff

                    Sorry for the issues you are having. We’ve responded to your support ticket so you should be all set if you follow those instructions.

                  • #167999

                      Thanks, everything is working, apologies  for the crazy ranting 😅😅xx

                    • #168012

                        Happy New Year, now you can head via creativity into the blackhole, or get a bit phased or flanged, whilst you harmonise with your multiple voices (depending if you got these or those plugins)…


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