Jump over algortihms connections

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    • #172537

        A tip to improve 🙂

        Its a pity that you cant(?) “jump over” algortihms connections in the fx-chain: example i have the h3000 micropitch on the first top row connected to adat 3-4
        then out to 3-4 adat

        In the next algorithe below h3000 micropitch i wanted to connect algorithme monodelay from adat 1-2 and out to adat 1-2

        That would be awesome if i could jump over the existing algorithmes in and output in fx-chain 1 etc

        Or can it do that? i tried with no success

        I know its possible to do that by using next fx-chain, but that is wast

      • #172538

          Just put it somewhere else in the grid that isn’t directly below.  Then you can connect it how you want.  You can have 4 algorithms in parallel in a chain if you want.

        • #172539
          Eventide Staff

            Yes, it seems like what Puppeteer described should work for your scenario.

            You can check out the factory session 901 Reverb Buses for an example of a similar routing.

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