Just Upgraded my Mac to Sonoma 14.0 – Now Eventide Plug Ins won’t work

Home Forums Products Plug-Ins Just Upgraded my Mac to Sonoma 14.0 – Now Eventide Plug Ins won’t work

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    • #176140


        I am recovering from a stroke and I am being encouraged to do as many Mental activities as I can to keep my brain active

        I have updated my MacBook Pro to the Sonoma O/S and at first it wouldn’t let me get GarageBand running.

        Got advice from Apple and it came back to life. Now I am getting round to using it and realise that my Eventide Plug Ins are not working and come up with an error – Cannot be Opened because the developer cannot be verified” message

        I have Deleted them and reinstalled and activated with ILok (just one to start with) and I keep getting the same error.

        Sorry but my head is now frazzled as I have been at it for 3 hours and don’t know what to do next.

        Any advice please?\Thanks


      • #176150

          Ask any music professional (someone who actually makes $$ doing all this stuff): don’t upgrade your OS *until* you check that your key plugins are ready to go with a new version of the OS. Especially MAC OS! I made the PC to MAC jump a few years back, and when I updated to Catalina, I found out the hard way. I’m a hobbyist, so I just waited till the plugins caught up. which didn’t take too long. Don’t bang your head against this wall would be my advice. I know better this time, I am waiting for the all clear from Native Instruments before I head in. Here’s a useful resource:
          Oh wait —  I should’ve taken my own advice. and I quote:

          All Eventide and Newfangled Audio plug-ins are compatible with macOS Sonoma.
          AAX, AU, VST2, and VST3 natively support Apple Silicon and Intel processors
          Important info for users running Intel machines or GarageBand under Rosetta: Eventide plug-ins cannot currently be opened in GarageBand 10.4.4 on macOS Big Sur, however they will open in GarageBand 10.4.5 on macOS Big Sur. Eventide plug-ins cannot currently be opened in GarageBand 10.4.4 and above on macOS Monterey and above. Please hold off updating GarageBand until this issue is resolved.

          Windows 11: All Eventide and Newfangled Audio plug-ins are 64-bit only.

          There may be some DAWs that do not yet support macOS Sonoma, so it is important to check your DAW’s website for compatibility info before updating.

        • #176174
          Eventide Staff

            Sorry for the plug-in issues you are having and I hope your recovery has been going well.

            What version of GarageBand are you using and what is the exact error message you are getting? This may be a compatibility issue with certain macOS and GarageBand versions.

          • #176740


              Sorry for my delay, I am recovering from a stroke.

              I am using 10.4.8 GarageBand.


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              • #176750
                Eventide Staff

                  This is due to an issue with Intel Macs using GarageBand 10.4.4+ on macOS Monterey and above. We’re working on a fix for this.

                  Sorry for the inconvenience

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