Kaspersky won’t let me install the new H9 plugin Bundle

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    • #116216

        I try to run H9 Series Bundle Installer (Win 64-bit) but my Kaspersky Internet Security won’t let me, it removes the entire installer from my system. I add the report. 

        Kaspersky sees trojans in the installer of this type:  Backdoor.Win32.Agent.

        Any clues? I def trust Eventide, this is weird.

      • #156397

          I managed to install plugins via the individual installers. This was successful exept for: Crystals, Undulator, Rotary Mod and Spring. These 4 installers appear to contain trojans of the type I mentioned earlier. Kaspersky doesn’t allow the installation because of that.

        • #156401

            Can’t you just disable the AV for the installation?

          • #156419

              I could do that, but I don’t want trojans in my system. Can’t Eventide clean the installers?

            • #156422

                Are you an Eventide staff member?

              • #156423
                Eventide Staff

                  We believe this to be a false positive. I am investigating now.

                • #156434
                  Eventide Staff

                    Ok, Kaspersky is flagging these installers (64-bit versions only) because it believes the .aaxplugin files are malware. They are not malware, and there is no Backdoor.Win32.Agent trojan in the binary.

                    We are submitting these to Kaspersky for whitelisting, although their web portal appears to be having problems at the moment.

                  • #156445

                      Yay I can put my salt, pepper and ketchup away!

                    • #156452
                        Still had problems after installing the 4 mentioned plugins with Kaspersky disabled during installation.

                        Vst3 of Undulator and Rotary Mod gave alarming messages and Vst2 of Spring (and perhaps Crystals not sure about this) also.

                        In the end I installed Spring and Crystals with only vst3 (plus docs) checkboxed and Undulator and R-mod with only vst2 (plus docs) checkboxed.

                        Everything works now……

                        Not only the aax are flagged as trojans by Kaspersky.

                      • #156485
                        Eventide Staff

                          To follow up, I've been in touch with Kaspersky, and they've verified that the installers are false positives. It should be fixed in their next update.

                          I'll mention that they're also flagging other files inside of the installers. Interestingly, those VST files passed when I tried validating them on Kaspersky's online portal.

                        • #156421
                            Marcel wrote:

                            I could do that, but I don’t want trojans in my system. Can’t Eventide clean the installers?

                            There are no viruses in the installers. It is called a false positive. Not uncommon. Simply disable your AV and install. I promise it’s fine.

                          • #156424
                              tlongabaugh wrote:

                              We believe this to be a false positive. I am investigating now.

                              ok, thanks.

                            • #156426
                                Marcel wrote:

                                Are you an Eventide staff member?

                                No. Installed yesterday and it passed AV here. No unusual activity, everything auto updates and scan after this post passed as well.

                              • #156427
                                  joeydego wrote:
                                  Marcel wrote:

                                  Are you an Eventide staff member?

                                  No. Installed yesterday and it passed AV here. No unusual activity, everything auto updates and scan after this post passed as well.

                                  Ok. Still weird that Kaspersky Internet Security detects trojans. You probably have a different AV program. I add that a virus is not the same thing as a trojan, so an AV program might not detect these trojans. I await Eventide’s investigation of it.

                                • #156429
                                    Marcel wrote:
                                    joeydego wrote:
                                    Marcel wrote:

                                    Are you an Eventide staff member?

                                    No. Installed yesterday and it passed AV here. No unusual activity, everything auto updates and scan after this post passed as well.

                                    Ok. Still weird that Kaspersky Internet Security detects trojans. You probably have a different AV program. I add that a virus is not the same thing as a trojan, so an AV program might not detect these trojans. I await Eventide’s investigation of it.

                                    I understand and that’s cool. If this is actually a Trojan I will print and eat this post. FWIW I’m just using Windows defender.

                                  • #156447
                                      tlongabaugh wrote:

                                      Ok, Kaspersky is flagging these installers (64-bit versions only) because it believes the .aaxplugin files are malware. They are not malware, and there is no Backdoor.Win32.Agent trojan in the binary.

                                      We are submitting these to Kaspersky for whitelisting, although their web portal appears to be having problems at the moment.


                                      Thanks for investigating it! I will install them while temporarily disabling my internet connection and Kaspersky.

                                    • #156448
                                        joeydego wrote:
                                        Yay I can put my salt, pepper and ketchup away!

                                        Ha, ha, ha, indeed, no need for that now 🙂

                                      • #156449
                                        Eventide Staff
                                          Marcel wrote:

                                          Thanks for investigating it! I will install them while temporarily disabling my internet connection and Kaspersky.

                                          No problem, thanks for bringing it to our attention.

                                        • #156457
                                            Marcel wrote:
                                            Still had problems after installing the 4 mentioned plugins with Kaspersky disabled during installation.

                                            Vst3 of Undulator and Rotary Mod gave alarming messages and Vst2 of Spring (and perhaps Crystals not sure about this) also.

                                            In the end I installed Spring and Crystals with only vst3 (plus docs) checkboxed and Undulator and R-mod with only vst2 (plus docs) checkboxed.

                                            Everything works now……

                                            Not only the aax are flagged as trojans by Kaspersky.

                                            Not that it has anything to do with the AV, but is there a reason you install both VST 2 and 3 versions of the same plugin?

                                          • #156458
                                              joeydego wrote:
                                              Not that it has anything to do with the AV, but is there a reason you install both VST 2 and 3 versions of the same plugin?

                                              Just to be on the safe side. Problems with vst3’s are rare but happen. 

                                            • #156489
                                                tlongabaugh wrote:

                                                To follow up, I’ve been in touch with Kaspersky, and they’ve verified that the installers are false positives. It should be fixed in their next update.

                                                I’ll mention that they’re also flagging other files inside of the installers. Interestingly, those VST files passed when I tried validating them on Kaspersky’s online portal.

                                                Thanks for the update.

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