A nice improvement for H9 and factor pedals would be the possibility to choose killdry by preset
That already is a feature for the H9. If you click on the more menu in H9 Control in the preset screen, you'll see options for setting kill dry on a per preset basis. You can set this on the H9 itself as well; please download the latest H9 user manual for instructions on how to do so.
I didn’t know H9 has already the features, i was speaking about H9 mainly to help all the users community but i have only factor pedals (Timefactor, Pitchfactor and Space) . Is it planned to add this feature on factor pedal?
Is it planned to add this feature on factor pedal?
That's actually a question for my colleague, Nick, whose on vacation right now. I don't want to speak for him, but he's pretty active on the forums and might chime in with an answer.