Knife Drop Midi

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    • #186728

      Hey everyone. I’m trying to hook up and utilize my new Knife Drop with the Morningstar MC6 Pro. Any help and walk through?

    • #186729
      Eventide Staff

      Hi bradclayton,

      First thing you need to do is connect your MC6Pro from an available omniport to your Knife Drop’s EXP input with a TRS cable. Then, go into the pedal’s system menu to program the EXP input for MIDI.

      To access these Global Settings, apply power while holding Active Footswitch and Alt LED Button. Top two Preset LEDs are on when in System Setup. Press the ALT Button on the top right to cycle through options; you want the 5th LED on the preset ladder to be lit. From factory the pedal’s MIDI channel is set to OMNI but if you want to change that you can use the Octave Down button to change the channel (consult the Knife Drop Quick Reference guide to see what LED configuration corresponds to the channel you want to program). Once you’re done programing, changes are stored as they are made. Cycle power to exit System Setup.

      Now you must program the MC6Pro’s omniport to send MIDI. Open up Morningstar’s MIDI Editor and under “Controller Settings,” select Configure Omniports; you will see four options, one for each port. Select the drop down menu of the port you’re using and select MIDI Out – Type A (standard). Save your settings.

      You should be good to go as far as communicating with Knife Drop. For a list of controller change numbers preassigned to Knife Drop functions, consult the Knife Drop Quick Reference Guide (

      • #186761

        Thanks so much. Still having some issues. When I go to enter the commands for midi, for instance to bypass the pedal, I am using the CC number of 52 but what do I need to use for the value? I have the midi channel set. But I’m getting nowhere. Any further help?

      • #186764
        Eventide Staff

        For all of the on/off toggle parameters (active/bypass, octaves, etc) you will need to send a CC value of 64 or higher for the on state, and 63 or less for the off state.

        You can also use H90 Control to confirm your pedal MIDI settings are correct. I would suggest setting the MIDI channel to OMNI while you are troubleshooting:

      • #186816

        Thanks so much! I got it working.

      • #186817
        Eventide Staff

        Good to hear! Thanks for reporting back.

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