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    • #182431

        Is anyone having this problem as well.

        I updated my plugins as per the instructions. They work no problem. However after I save my project and close, they will not reload on re opening the same project. I have to save the settings, before closing, then reload the plugin on re opening the project and then reload the preset I was using. Very frustrating stuff.

        This never happened before. Using Samplitude Pro X 7 on Win 10

      • #182454
        Eventide Staff


          Sorry to hear you are having issues. Can you please clarify what is happening? When you reload the DAW project, are the plug-ins not present in the project anymore? Or are the plug-ins still there, but they are using the wrong settings?

        • #182458

            Under Bitwig latest version, they crash as soon as I click on anything in the UI. Also from the latest update and under Win 10.

            • #182521
              Eventide Staff

                Sorry for the issues you are having. I see that you have emailed support, we can help you further via the support ticket.

            • #182478

                Hi tbskoglund

                Thanks for responding. So to clarify, let’s say I have a new project open and load an Eventide plugin. All is well for the session. I save the project and close the DAW. The next day I re open the project and I get messages saying “Cannot load omnipressor track 23”. So I click the option to ignore or skip (the only options that will allow the project to continue loading) The slot where the plugin was loaded on track 23 will then show the Omnipressor greyed out with an asterisk., as if I had turned it off. But I can’t turn it on because the DAW then tells me that the loading of  the plugin failed. I then have no choice other than to remove this plugin and re insert it. It now works normally but of course the setting I had is lost, unless I have saved the preset and reload that as well. I might have as many as 12 Eventide plugins in a project and this occurs for every instance of them. No fun. 😥

                This happens with all my Eventide plugins. I have considered re instaling my DAW, thinking it may have become corrupted somehow, but this is a big job and I don’t even know if it will solve anything  as everything else works fine. Especially as prior to updating the Eventide plugins they all worked seamlessly.

                Any thoughts would be extremely welcome

                thank you

              • #182512
                Eventide Staff

                  Thanks for clarifying the issue. Please email and reference this post, and we can help you further there.

                • #182689

                    Just wondering if there is any news on the issue?

                    • #182691
                      Eventide Staff


                        Sorry I do not have any updates at this point, we have not been able to reproduce the issue. Did you receive my last reply to the support ticket? Please use the support ticket to troubleshoot the issue further.

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