LCD waves when in Autodim mode

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    • #105366

        Hello Newbie here..
        When I set my eclipse in autodim mode (display menu)
        It swirls or waves in LCD after about 30 minutes.
        When I press any button, it returns to normal display mode.
        Is this broken? or usual behavior?
        please solve my problem..thanks

      • #116986


        it's normal to see a "liquid" fx when the autodim is on. It's the way lcd works.

        Autodim saves energy and lcd life. You can use or disable it under SETUP > DISPLAY.


      • #116987

          Thanks IDeangelis

          BTW, what do you mean by 'liquid'? no offence.. I meant that green lcd literally
          just 'swirls' or 'waves' when eclipse is in 'null' or 'no button-action' mode.(in autodim setup).
          you meant just 'darker' or 'dim' state of LCD ?

          sorry for poor english

        • #128000

           When dimmed, the lcd may look like the low light is trembling, as in a wavy or liquid effect. The names of parameters are clearly visible though and it doesn't indicate a malfunction. It's just a lowered light intensity that shows the nature of the LCD component. Nothing to worry about.

        • #128001

            thanks a ton again ID!

             I happened to send my eclipse to service center because I thought it has some

            errors on LCD

             eclipse totally rocks! i love it to the death!

          • #128004

              I think it looks quite pretty 😉

            • #128005

               Yeah! It's trippy stuff…. if you stare at it for a couple of hours–


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