LFOs as parameter source for H90

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    • #176729

      I would love 2-3 LFOs as sources to assign to parameters. Many of the algorithms have modulation but not all of them do. It would be cool to have the head position on Head Space move back and forth slowly for example. Or have the Fuzz level vary on PitchFuzz

      This could be in the choices of parameter assignments when you press and hold on Perform in parameter edit mode. Could even assign it to a HotKnob for macro modulation. I’d expect the standard waveform shapes and frequency, maybe modulation on depth and frequency from another source? Whoa.

      Bonus points for generalizing all the modulations on each algorithm to this central setup. That probably makes migration of presets and programs challenging.

      More bonus points for generalizing envelope follower and ADSR in the same way.

    • #176731

      This is becoming a more popular FR than I would have imagined, initially.  It’s been cropping up from time to time with more frequency now.

      In the meantime, here are a few other options that really work:

      • Morningstar MC-x versions (over MIDI)
        EHX 8 Step Program (via expression)
        Disaster Area MIDI Baby / 3 / etc, (creative CC sequencing)
        Source Audio Reflex (rare, but over MIDI or expression)
        Lexicon MPX-1 (as a MIDI generator – rackmount – my “best kept secret”)

      There are other boutique options, but these are some of what I use all the time.

    • #176747
      Eventide Staff

      Thanks for your suggestion. Yes, the global LFO/Mod Block idea has been requested a few times and this is something we have discussed. I can’t make any promises or provide a timeline, but we do appreciate users input/feedback for what they would be interested in for this sort of thing.

      As far as the bonus points go, I don’t think we would rework any algorithm or preset’s existing modulation/envelopes to use the mod block instead of their built in modulation source. For example, if you are using the ModFilter algorithm, that would still include all of the existing modulation abilities and the presets would remain the same. You would now have an additional global mod source to further modulation any of the parameters.

    • #176749

      There are VST plugins (Gatekeeper, Shaperbox’s Midishaper, etc) that generate & send midi lfo’s & its my understanding that midi CC can be assigned to any parameter.

      If the H90 had a built in midi LFOs, that could be target any midi CC then the algorithms wouldn’t need to be touched.

      • #176765

        I didn’t mention any ITB solutions, but there are some good ones out there.  I happen to like the point-and-curve graphics in LFOTool and its clones (some free alternatives, I believe).

        One alternative that often flies under the radar:  Sugar Bytes’ Thesys.  Its Modulation Sequencer has eight lanes or Tracks; each with its own MIDI CC output, loop length, start, end and play direction.  That can get very complex, or you can keep it simple.

    • #176752

      Also want to add, that ideally these LFOs should be synced to the clock & able to at least do 16 bars.

      Right now, turning on Clock Sync changes the delay speeds from hz to time signature however modulations stay in Hz, & I have to use a calculator to sync modulations even in the program & presets are sync’d to clock.

    • #176760

      There are VST plugins (Gatekeeper, Shaperbox’s Midishaper, etc) that generate & send midi lfo’s & its my understanding that midi CC can be assigned to any parameter.

      Thanks for reminding me that Gatekeeper outputs CCs!  It works a treat.  I have a simple Reaktor LFO ensemble set up to drive my H90 and I am just beginning that exploration.  Head Space was on my list – all those knobs to sweep.

    • #176767

      One of my ZOIAs is a dedicated modulation/control source for any assignable parameter on all MIDI-capable devices on my board. I can also drop it into the signal chain (Boss ES-8) whenever I want envelope controlled modulation, and enable/disable via MC-8. The complexity of home-cooked modulation ‘algos’ that you can quickly patch up (I often do quick/dirty patches on the fly) is immense.

      “Who modulates the modulators?”

    • #176769

      … “Who modulates the modulators?”

      Guilty, your Honor.  And something I could rarely get away with in an H9.

    • #176775

      I run a Empress Effects Zoia with my H90. The power is amazing. I run midi CC messages to the H90 all the time. With the Zoia I can shape the LFOs in many ways, and synchronize them in various phase relationships. A lot of power and control, equals a more difficult learning curve.

      (I am glad I am not the only person running two Zoia pedals. I always feel like I am crazy).

      • #176780

        All this talk of ZOIA(s) … It would be right up my alley, but I made the choice to go with a Poly Effects Beebo instead.  At the time, its updates were fast & furious, and the graphical flowcharting appealed to my grounding in electronics & softsynths.

        It performs much of the same functions in my setup as the ZOIA would: insert audio processor & MIDI generation.  This thread just goes to show the great lengths we will go to in customizing our sound designs.

    • #176785

      Thanks for all the suggestions. I have thought about designing a simple digital oscillator to drive variable resistance through EXP input, but since I’m a software guy it’s probably a lot easier to write a simple Max patcher to do it via MIDI. Plenty of ways to accomplish this from the outside, I was just thinking it would be nice to have something in the box.

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