License Key for Product Registration (Blackhole)

Home Forums Products Plug-Ins License Key for Product Registration (Blackhole)


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    • #113368


      I bought Blackhole through KVR Audio Forum. I got the email from Eventide, it’s in my iLok account as a product I own. I got it installed no problem. Now I am trying to register it and it requires a license key.

      I don’t see a license key in iLok? [the plugin appears in the list in My Liceses]

      I don’t see a license key in the install email? [just a serial number]

      Where is the license key???

      Keyless in Kleveland

    • #143007
      VmusicV wrote:


      I bought Blackhole through KVR Audio Forum. I got the email from Eventide, it's in my iLok account as a product I own. I got it installed no problem. Now I am trying to register it and it requires a license key.

      I don't see a license key in iLok? [the plugin appears in the list in My Liceses]

      I don't see a license key in the install email? [just a serial number]

      Where is the license key???

      Keyless in Kleveland

      The email contains the serial number and the license key.  The serial number looks like BH-12345, and the license key looks like XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.

    • #143008


       No. The email did not have the license key or serial number. The BH-123456 serial (obviously not the number) is in an attached pdf receipt. But the receipt and the email has no license key.





      • #143009
        VmusicV wrote:

         No. The email did not have the license key or serial number. The BH-123456 serial (obviously not the number) is in an attached pdf receipt. But the receipt and the email has no license key.

        Well, please send an email to KVR then and ask them what the license key is for the plugin.

    • #143010

      KVR just ran the advertisement…..

      I bought it FROM Eventide. I paid Eventide through Paypal. I received an email with a receipt from Eventide.


      this is an Eventide problem. Eventide sent an attached receipt without a license key.

    • #143011

      If you bought it from Eventide, then the plugin was already registered to your account during the purchase process.  If you click on My Account and the My Products on Eventide's website, you should see it.  

      License keys aren't issued to people who buy the plugin from Eventide, because registration occurs as part of the purchase process.

    • #143012

      Yes – it is already there. Thank you so much for your help!!

    • #143013

      No problem.  Hope you have fun using Blackhole.

    • #143034

      Hello. this is my frist time buy a plug in and I am having difficulty opening it in garage band. I have followed the steps to instal Blackhole and it is all registered with iLok but I can’t seem to open the plug in in Garageband. I’ve been prompted to re instal it but I cannot find the License Key to re register. Can you help?

      • #143037
        Eventide Staff
        old soul mike wrote:

        Hello. this is my frist time buy a plug in and I am having difficulty opening it in garage band. I have followed the steps to instal Blackhole and it is all registered with iLok but I can't seem to open the plug in in Garageband. I've been prompted to re instal it but I cannot find the License Key to re register. Can you help?

        Hi Mike, just responded to your question on your other post. You shouldn't need the License Key to reinstall, though the problem here is probably just Garageband needs to rescan its plug-ins (see my other post for details).

    • #176931
      Facing Mirrors

      Hi there,
      I’ve used 2 out of 2 licenses activation, is it possibile to remove one from a computer I don’t use anymore and shift it to the new computer? Cause I’ve tried on the iLokManager to deactivate 1 out of 2 but it says that the operation could not be loaded!
      Thanks in advance

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