Looper Basics

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    • #172023

      Can someone point me to a video or some other resource to get the looper functioning?

      I am not seeing how to configure the foot switches to control the loops.

    • #172024

      I’m not sure if you’ve accessed the online manual yet, but the section on the Looper functionality is comprehensive:


      But first, you have to get to the Perform mode:


      And below that, specific to assigning the footswitches:


      I don’t know if there are any Eventide videos, directly related to the Looper.  But I have posted many threads over the years on how to ‘push’ some of the Looper functions, if that will help.

    • #172067

      I finally got the single button looper working. Didn’t realize I could only assign looper functions to the whatever foot switch matched the preset the looper was in.

      So am I correct that I can only assign 1 switch on the H90 to the looper without using a midi controller or external switch?

      I can’t have a two button start / stop, or basic looper with say reverse or half speed with the built in foot switches?

      • #172070
        Eventide Staff

        That is correct.

    • #172077

      There is a decay setting in Looper, it does not seem to be in the manual.

      Im guessing it degrades the loop over time but am not hearing it.

      Anyone know for sure?

      • #172079
        Eventide Staff

        Your guess is correct. It is in the manual, but the parameter is listed as “Loop Decay Rate”. I’ll change that to “Decay” in the next version of the manual to avoid confusion.

        Loop Decay Rate: When dubbing you may want the original saved audio to persist as you add new sounds. Of course, indefinitely adding new signals will eventually result in ‘mud’ (the “Crayola” effect). The Decay Rate control allows the saved audio to fade as you dub new material. The Decay Rate is adjustable from 0% [DCY: 0] to 100% [DCY:100]. When set to 0%, the loop never decays. When set to 100% the previously saved audio decays completely each time through the loop when dubbing. In other words, the looped audio is only played once. The Loop Decay Rate control has no effect on normal Playback, only dubbing.

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