Lost License Key

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    • #112031

        I recently bought the UltraReverb plugin online.  I registered it on eventide and with my iLok.  Now I'm wanting to install it on a second iLok but cannot find the email that was sent with my license key.  Is it possible to recover this license key somehow?  I would think that it would be listed with the serial on the "My products" page of the Eventide website, but it is not.

      • #126881


        Instead of sending license keys by email, we deposit licenses directly into your iLok account. Each license can be activated in 2 places.

        All you need to do is login to your iLok License Manager and activate your UltraReverb license onto your other iLok (assuming it is plugged in).  Just like you did with your original iLok.



      • #186555



          I have the same problem… I purchased plugin yesterday, and although I didn’t delete any emails, confirmation is nowhere. And with today’s practice user shall register plugin on Eventide website first per emailed license, and then it will be deposited to iLok account. I sent an email to your support email address with my bank transaction confirmation attached. I hope you can find it with the details and resend the email with license code. Thanks and regards!

          • #186579
            Eventide Staff

              If you emailed support, we should be able to help you out there! We’re catching up on holiday / Black Friday messages, and will get to yours soon if we haven’t already.


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