lots of noise / hum from my new H9

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    • #113247

        I guess I’m needing serious help, I’ve had nothing but issues so far.  First I’m already on my 2nd H9 (the first was a mistake by amazon, they sent me a used one) but in the turnaround I was able to play with the first for a couple days, so I can say that BOTH units were/are making the same noise.


        I have a fair sized pedal board, built for two amps to run in stereo…  each amp has an MXR Noise Clamp runing in an X pattern, I place my stereo and time effects after the noise gates so they don’t cut off notes (I could post a more detailed map of my setup if it would help?) but regardless, the H9 is running in both the amps effects loops.  my old stereo processor handled this setup with no added noise whatsoever (was an OLD art sgx 2000).  The absolute last thing I ever would have expected to hear from this new H9, being over 20 years more advanced, is noise.  especially like this.  even tho I have EMG pickups (active) I had to turn up the input levels, they went all the way to +18 and it was just enough to make the green light stay solid, the red never lights at all – I’m unsure if this is even the problem – while the noise IS reduced it’s very minimally so.  I would say the hum I am getting is more present on higher notes (easier to distinguish anyhow) and is equal in volume to the actual note I’m playing 🙁 


        I’ve tested my cables, all check out good.  nothing’s too close to a power transformer or anything….  and like I say, I can remove the H9 from the chain and it’s back to normal quiet operation.  I’m using the adapter that comes with the pedal, it’s definitely not a ground loop, besides, everything’s plugged into the same outlet…  I don’t get it…  I NEED this H9 in my life.  This has to work  crying


        sorry for the frustrated tone, but I’ll be very grateful for some help.  I’ve been spending all day, everyday, for MANY days trying to get this new pedal working right.




      • #142510
        Eventide Staff

          I'm afraid it probably is a ground loop – plugging everything into the same socket helps, but it is no guarantee. The fact that your first H9 did the same thing suggests it is not a fault in the unit.

          A test would be to replace one of the lead-H9-lead connections with just a lead (i.e. bypass). If this suddenly fixes the noise, that would confirm my view.

          You probably need to have a tech look at your rig, and mess around with the grounding.


        • #142514

            how can it be a ground loop if my last preamp had no issues in its place?  I litterally swapped pieces, everything else is the same.

            I do not have the money to pay a tech.  what is it this tech would be looking for?  I’ll have to do this myself as I’m on my own.  could you, hopefully, provide some insight on this?

            the moderation and screening of messages on this board makes support painfully slow 🙁

          • #142516

              would it be safe to place a DI box with a ground lift before the h9?

              • #142518
                Eventide Staff
                  Michelle911 wrote:

                  would it be safe to place a DI box with a ground lift before the h9?

                  It would probably be safe. There might be signal level and noise issues.



              • #142570

                  Hi Michele – I’m also having hum issues. I usually run the H9 mono to an AC30’s instument input via a Framptone amp switcher with the second out put going dry to a jtm45 – have had zero noise issues like that but, thought I’d try going stereo – this is where the hum comes in & only affects the jtm45 (I have 2 overdirves/boosts into a keeley compressor into the framptone) I swapped outputs to see if the hum travelled to the ac30 but it stays with the jtm45. There’s a ground lift on the framptone ut it makes no difference. If anyone has any ideas please let us know.

                  Thank you.


                • #142597

                    I have an electrician coming out tomorrow, he’s going to give me an estimate for some isolated grounds.  other than this I’m clueless.  I’ve tried separating polarized adapters and grounded plugs…  but that got me thinking it was futile if there’s a loop running around my house wiring.  the only thing that didn’t make sense is why my last stereo fx unit didn’t seem to have this issue, but now I’m going on the assumption that maybe I DID have this issue but the H9 has made it more apparent because, well, my old preamp was really bad by todays standards.

                  • #142598
                    Eventide Staff

                      I'm not sure a regular electrician is what you need – when we talk about ground loops we are referring to signal ground as much as AC power ground. Typically one fixes these problems by lifting the ground connections on individual cables. But even this can have safety issues, so you probably need an audio technician (maybe ask at your local music shop).

                      The regular electrician can at least confirm that your AC grounds are good, which is important for safety.


                    • #142602

                        like  I was saying Nick, I have no access to one.  I am my own tech.  what I don’t know I have to learn.  I’m in rural oregon and *I* was the most knowledgeable person at our local music store (LOL no brag just the truth).

                        what is a tech going to be looking for in my rig?  if you could point me towards what I need to know then I’d really be grateful, otherwise I have to start with what I DO know 🙁  and that’s to start with good clean power.  I already know my cabling isn’t at fault, power strips are good (I tested those too), I’ve tried separating polarized plugs…. and I also have an isolated power supply for my board (even tho I’m using the stock adapter for my H9).  what am I missing?


                        • #142709
                          Eventide Staff
                            Michelle911 wrote:

                            what is a tech going to be looking for in my rig?

                            This is not a topic we can handle here – many times it's a matter of trying things and fiddling about. Often comes down to experience.

                            Power supplies are not usually the problem,  as they are not normally grounded. Use the Eventide ones until you have resolved the other problems.

                            Make sure (as you mention) that everything is grounded to the same outlet.

                            Then it's a matter of connecting and disconnecting cables until you get a feel where the problem lies.

                            When you find one that when disconnected, fixes the problem, try just touching the casings of the jack to the ground of the connector and see if that brings it back. If it does, consider lifting the ground to that jack.

                            But, why this needs someone who knows what they are doing is that removing grounds can leave the setup in a dangerous state. Quite a few musicians have been electrocuted in this way, so you are working at your own risk.

                            When all is working OK, go round with a testmeter, and make sure that you have continuity between all metal surfaces. This should give you a chance.

                        • #142606

                            I just tested my power supply by putting probes on the ground sheilds and apparently what’s sold as an isolated power supply isn’t really isolated so much in the way that matters…  well, I was about to  upgrade it anyhow, I guess now might be a good time to do that.

                          • #142669

                              Did replacing yourpower supply solve the hum issue?

                            • #142689

                                I haven’t gotten a new power supply yet.  Unfortunately my power requirements… I think I’ll have to buy two.  my stupid EQs HAD to be 18v lol  seems defeating to buy a new power supply and still be using adapters, so I’m still kinda looking, will be some time before I get them.


                              • #142711

                                  Thanks Nick,  I’ll be rearranging everything this weekend, changing the way my guitar area is now should allow me to separate and clean up better all my AC and DC power lines and get my power bars WAY away from everything else.  and yeah, I’ll be going thru and testing ALL my cables again, going to rebuild my whole board and hope for the best.

                                • #142733

                                    took all day but I managed to mount my power bars on the wall a few FEET away from everything else,  everything is zip tied and neat and AC separated from DC.  it’s quiet again!  but I still can’t figure what happened…. I did not hear this noise before getting my H9.  had to have been there tho.  but whatever!  I’m happy! ecstatic really, I was several hours into this project and felt I was wasting time.  my ears did a double take tho when I powered up 🙂

                                    • #142738
                                        Michelle911 wrote:

                                        took all day but I managed to mount my power bars on the wall a few FEET away from everything else,  everything is zip tied and neat and AC separated from DC.  it's quiet again!  but I still can't figure what happened…. I did not hear this noise before getting my H9.  had to have been there tho.  but whatever!  I'm happy! ecstatic really, I was several hours into this project and felt I was wasting time.  my ears did a double take tho when I powered up 🙂

                                        That's awesome!  We're glad to hear that you got this problem sorted out.

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