Low Level Programming for Midi port setup

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    • #184980

        Can anyone share any insight on how to configure ports to receive and send midi over USB? I mean aside from dedicated midi software like Max. My questions revolve around port selection & settings (baud, bits, etc)

        If you have access to any such routines in any programming language I can probably adapt it to my needs. Any OS, but Mac preferred.

        Any help will be appreciated



      • #184990
        Eventide Staff

          Can you be more specific with what product you are asking about?

          The H9000 can receive MIDI over USB (it does not transmit) but there are no configurable MIDI ports on the device.

        • #185005

            Certainly, thank you for your interest.

            I am using 4D database language on a current Mac, trying to receive and send sysex messages from within the database. My present tests involve my (beloved) H3000 D/SE. At the moment I use Max to communicate with the H3000, then copy the received text into the 4D database. But I am quite certain that I can somehow configure my Mac ports from within 4D to communicate directly.

            (see 4D manual items

            “Set Channel” https://doc.4d.com/4Dv20/4D/20.4/SET-CHANNEL.301-7026431.en.html

            “Receive Buffer” https://doc.4d.com/4Dv20/4D/20.4/RECEIVE-BUFFER.301-7026437.en.html )

            It is a matter of informing 4D which port to use and what settings to use (baud, bit, etc)


            P.S. When Eventide equips the H9000 with String Modeller or its equivalent, I will seriously consider picking one up.

          • #185008
            Eventide Staff

              I assume you are using a USB-MIDI adaptor to communicate from Max to the H3000? That device will show up on your Mac as a USB MIDI device, which won’t work the same (programmatically) as a serial port.  You will need to either find a 4D plugin that will work with MIDI natively or find a bridge that will allow your MIDI device to appear to your Mac as a USB Serial device (at which point you can use the serial parameters specified here: https://midi.org/midi-1-0-core-specifications

              Alternatively, if you can find a way to communicate into a Python script, we internally often use a Python package called Mido (https://mido.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) to do MIDI comms programmatically.

              Hope that helps!

            • #185142

                Thank you tstern for that info. I will check it out


                • #186873

                    Hi John, I am part of a team finishing up a Max4Live controller for the grandaddy H3000/H3500. I just saw your post in another thread regarding sysex control.  After many tedious attempts, we decided to abandon the Sysex approach and rely on NRPN#.  As I’m sure you know, the SysEx is such a nightmare.. we managed to parse some algorithms, but any negative parameters using two’s complement became very unstable.  Even some of the simpler algos like Diatonic Shift, the “successful” attempts were not stable across different hardware versions (3000/3500 vs the older Bs, etc.).  Once we went withe NRPN approach, it has been much smoother, but still bits to tweak.  Would you be interested in checking out some our Max device?


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