Mapping MIDI controller to parameters

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    • #171947

      I’m trying to map a fader from a hardware keyboard to a parameter in Emote by sending cc21 on channel 1. For some reason Emote sees this as a program change message on channel 2.  The parameter does move according to the fader, but when I assign several faders to various parameters at some point they all stop working.

      Any ideas why this is happening?

    • #171949
      Eventide Staff

      First, what controller are you using and how is it connected to the H9k?

      When you say “For some reason Emote sees this as a program change message on channel 2” what do you mean? Are you using Learn and it shows the incorrect MIDI data in Emote?

      Can you try using a MIDI monitor from your controller to make sure it isn’t sending the unwanted MIDI data?

    • #171960

      Thank you for your reply.

      It’s a fader on keyboard that is connected to the MIDI in of the H9000R.

      The fader sends controller data on controller #21 channel 1, as I verified on a Midi monitor.

      I’m mapping by putting a parameter in learn mode, moving the fader and apparently the incoming data is seen as program change on MIDI channel 2.

      The same happens when I send controller data from MAX.

    • #171967
      Eventide Staff

      Thanks for the information. I have not been able to reproduce this, Learn will always show the correct MIDI information it is receiving.

      Does this happen with a specific algorithm/parameter?

      Can you test a different MIDI controller?


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