Max/rnbo~ Patch Share + H9K Algorithms

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    • #181258

        Hello Folks

        I’m very happy to share with you a few Max/rnbo~ patches. Currently we are very much still in the beta phase and are looking forward to buffer~ & FFT support for the H9000 target in the nearist future. For now the closest we can get to a buffer~ is using the [data] object in gen~ (which is very capable and 64bit)

        The patches included here are intended as examples that you can extend on, open, play and modify in rnbo~ and/or directly use the .9ka exported algorithm.

        Included in the download (rnbo~ patches & algorithms):

        • Mid-Side: Asimple mid-side setup inside gen~ Put any other type of FX in the mid or the side for additional processing.
        • Tanh Life: 8 Different Tanh (Hyperbolic Tangent Function) approximations executed in gen~. Soft Clipping fun, push the Overdrive for extra charactor/warmth/crunch.
        • Wider Circular Buffer: Simple 2-channel Circular/Looping Buffer – works great for long delays or finited single sample delay shift for widening.

        Would love to hear any thoughts, feedback, questions including ideas for more patches/algorithms.



        // @tomhallsonics // Cycling ’74

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      • #181419

          Thanks for sharing. I shall check them.out soon

          • #187451

              Great, thank you so much!

              Have you transferred anymore?

              Would love to try them out.

              Are there instructions anywhere of how to do this?

            • #187456
              Eventide Staff

                If you’d like to try out the patches that Tom has shared, you can download the .zips, select Algorithm > Import from the menu bar at the top of Emote, and choose a .9ka file to import.

                The latest version of the H9000 manual includes an algorithm development chapter with many good tutorials for building RNBO patches and exporting them to the H9000:

                Let me know how it goes!

            • #181428

                Hi Tom.


                Just had a quick play with all of them.

                All very useful and simple to use.


                Thanks very much.





              • #182750

                  I made an alternative Mid-Side (split) that sends the Mid to Channel 3 and Side to Channel 4 – fun an useful utility image

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