Midi CC message poblems.

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    • #112347

      I have a pitchfactor, strymon timeline, mobius, and an infinity looper I'm trying to control with a rocktron all access. My problem is that I want to use the clock from the pitchfactor to control the tap tempo of the other pedals, but when I do the CC messages aren't recognized by either of the strymon pedals only program change messages are. So I can only change presets but none of the other midi functions are useable. If I change the pitchfactor from xmt to thru the CC messages work but then the tempos are all off. I'm not sure if I'm going about this the wrong way or overlooking something. I feel like it should be possible. Any advice would be appreciated.

    • #127540
      Eventide Staff

      Not quite sure how you have all these connected, which makes a difference.

      BUT, tempo is usually sent by MIDIclock, not by CC. PitchFactor can output a MIDIclock (see UM for how).

      If you want PF to send MIDIclock, it will need to be set up for XMT.

    • #138264

      They're all running in a chain. When I have the PF outputting midi clock I can use CC messages for the strymon pedals I can only change programs on them. So I can select a preset but I can't do things like bypass the Mobius or Timeline. I want to run the midi clock but still have the Strymons receiving CC messages.

    • #138266
      Eventide Staff

      I'm thinking you are looking for a MIDI merge function. It sounds as if you want to send CC to the PF, and have it pass them through, as well as generating MIDIclock.

      Currently, it will operate in either THRU or XMT – it will not do both. One way to get around this is to use a MIDI merge box (e.g. MIDI Solutions).

    • #138273

      I had a feeling this might be the case. Even though I don't understand why is fine for program change messages to pass through but not CC and I thought I might need to get a midi solutions box. How would that work? Would I run the out of the All Access and the PF to the box then run the out from the merge box into the strymon and they could be clock synched but the strymon and PF would receive all midi messages?

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