Midi Clock Display

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    • #106842

      I am wondering if anyone knows of a device that I can connect up to the midi out of my timefactor to display the current tempo of my delay for the rest of my band members. In the case where someelse is starting a song which requires the tempo set to my delay time. (I use multiple presets in some songs, Simply don't have time to tap tempo while playing sometimes)

      It must be a floor unit and it must be updated and easily viewable.

      There is this unit which will work but it also has a tap (which is not needed for me) I don't really want other band members tapping the tempo in for me. http://www.ploytec.com/34oneii/

    • #119920
      Eventide Staff

      For all the discussion of our Midiclock support, there seem to be very few pieces of equipment that actually receive Midiclock, and even less that display the tempo value.

      We would like such a device for our in-house test purposes as well, so hopefully someone can recommend one. But, from my experience of the difficulty of using Midiclock, there may well not be such a thing. There are PC programs, but these don't always work very well.

    • #119929

      Think I've found what I needed, its a beat indicator with a flashing LED.


      Im talking with them at the moment to see what they think about the timefactor sending it commands on preset change.

      Do you think this would work for what I want? (I don't want a BPM display, just a flashing tempo light).

    • #131115
      Eventide Staff

      Looks useful and they are good people.

      Note that it may be hard to get the LED flash to coincide with the TF tempo light – it will stay in time, but will probably not overlap. This will probably not matter, but may cause confusion.

    • #131116

      Not  too much I problem, I could use one myself as well (rather than using the Timefactor Box Light) to get around that.

    • #131123

      Can the Timefactor transmit MIDI Clock to the Beat Indicator?

      The midid beat indicator would need this to display the tempo.

      I thought yes but would like an experts comment.

    • #131129
      Eventide Staff

      The latest version of software will generate a MIDIclock. Note that there is a bug where if it is non-global, it does not change when you load a preset.

    • #131170

      Thats probably No help for me then. I need it to update on preset change or on tempo change (From tapping in the tempo after a preset is loaded).

      Is this likely to be fixed or added in the near future?

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