MIDI control of external devices with H90

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    • #166645

        Perhaps this is already on your roadmap, but the ability to send PC to the Eclipse and Synergy units (for example) would be great feature additions IMO.  Can Eventide comment on this possibility?

      • #166646
        Eventide Staff

          The H90 can transmit PC and other MIDI messages, you just need to set the output mode to “transmit” -https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h90/1.1.2/content/system-menu/midi.html

          • #166649

              I should report this officially, but I’m still trying to work out how, what, & why:  The H9’s received PCs are off by one, relative to the PC number transmitted by the H90.  That is, H90 Program Change 1 is received as Program Change 2 on the H9, etc., on up.  Anything received beyond the H9 List size limit pulls up No Algo (as expected).

              I’m not sure if this is a victim of the classic MIDI PC 0-127 vs. 1-128 gag, or the H9 ‘Preset 0’ reserved as a buffer the current parameter settings, … It might be on my end, but I tried the two directly connected; same result (+1).  Just seems like odd behavior between ‘father & son’.

              I’ve had perfect results with expression pedals / switches transmitting CCs.  As I understand it, the H90 follows the same XMT / THRU rules & limitations as the H9 has.  Quick question:  I was attempting to cheat CCs on through, by binding EXP 1 to one of 3 HotKnobs, with said HotKnob then set up to transmit a CC message.  Have I placed a faulty mental cable in that routing?

            • #166697
              Eventide Staff

                The H90 sends and receives PC messages using PC numbers 1-99 (ignoring 0). Depending on the other device, this may offset the PC numbers by 1. We plan on adding a feature to offset the numbers on the H90 to match up with other devices.

                You can setup an expression pedal to transmit a CC message, and you can map a HotKnob to that same expression pedal, but you cannot map a HotKnob to transmit a CC message. It’s effectively the same thing as your example, just want to clarify that the HotKnob cannot currently be mapped to transmit a CC.

              • #170398

                  Hi! How to SEND PC messages from the H90?


                  I find only CC messages on the editor.



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