midi control trouble

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    • #111557

      i have all four factor pedals. i am trying to send expression pedal over midi from my pitchfactor to the other three pedals and change presets with my tech 21 midi moose. the space is the only pedal that will respond to the expression pedal aside from the pitchfactor and the modfactor is the only pedal that will respond to the preset changes aside from the pitchfactor. i followed the instructions on this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZbfZTTykos) and i still only have the .space and pitchfactor responding to the expression pedal. the timefactor won't respond to program changes from changing presets or expression pedal, the space won't respond to program changes, and the modfactor won't respond to expression. 

    • #125776

        MIDI problems are tricky to try to deal with on a forum because there are so many random things that can go wrong. Could you describe how things are connected though? What's going into what?

      • #125855

        the program changes are working across all the factor pedals, but now i cannot get expression to any pedal except the pitchfactor. my midi chain is as follows:

        tech 21 midi moose, midi solutions quadrathru, (input 1 rjm y-not, input 2 pitchfactor, [out of pitchfactor into space], input 3 modfactor [ out of modfactor into timefactor], input 4boomerang looper)

      • #136604

        solved the problem. thanks for your help.

      • #136605

        i rearranged my midi signal chain so the space feeds the modfactor and the modfactor feeds the timefactor. now i have either midi control over program changes or midi control over continuous control changes, depending on if the midi output is set to thru or xmit. my full midi signal chain is midi moose>quadrathru>([rjm y not][pitchfactor>space>modfactor>timefactor][boomerang]). 

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