MIDI expression issue and bricking

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    • #176361

        I updated the firmware to v 1.6.1 and I noticed on the pitch flex algorithm was giving me a stepping issue while sweeping the expression pedal.

        <span style=”font-size: inherit;”>I did not have any issues with this until the new update.</span>

        I decided to run the second out from my mission exp pedal to exp input 2, just to try and bypass the issue. I selected manual to be controlled by exp 2 in the H90 control software, but it wouldn’t work properly. Then I noticed it wasn’t responding to midi PC messages I was sending it from my Gigrig G3.

        <span style=”font-size: inherit;”>I decided to unplug the unit and when I plugged it back in the unit bricked on me and won’t come off of the loading screen.</span>


      • #176362



        • #176367
          Eventide Staff

            1st things first, let’s get the pedal operational again, we’ll table the MIDI thing for now. Are you able to boot into Recovery Mode (boot while holding SELECT, PERFORM and first Quickknob)? If so, the pedal will appear as a mounted drive on your computer. Send us the logs that are there in the log folder.

            Also, send us a screenshot of the finder/explorer window contents for H90 mounted as a drive in Recovery Mode.

          • #176423

              Here are the logs

              You must be logged in to view attached files.
            • #176428

                Screenshot 2023-12-01 191245

              • #176429

                  Screenshot 2023-12-01 191410

                • #176430

                    Wont let me add the last 2 logs for some reason

                  • #176442

                      When I try to load the last two logs I’m receivingScreenshot 2023-12-02 111338 this error message

                    • #176444
                      Eventide Staff

                        Sorry the forum is not the best place to upload attachments. It would be better to send attachments directly to support@eventide.com

                        It’s not clear what the status of your issues is, were you able to update your H90 using Recovery Mode? It looks like it’s showing up correctly in H90 Control.

                      • #176445

                          When I try to upload the newest firmware it gives me an error message. I’ll send a screenshot later. I’ll also upload all the log files to the support email

                        • #176451

                            Screenshot 2023-12-02 192601

                          • #176452

                              This is what I get when I try to upload the v1.7.1

                            • #176471

                                I purchased a new unit so I don’t have any down time. Here is the stepping issue while controlling parameters via midi expression.



                              • #176472

                                  I also tried using the 2nd out of my expression pedal and go into control 1 but it’s not functioning properly either.

                                  The toe position will go to the selected place but the heel only goes partially down. That makes it unusable

                                  • #177245
                                    Bert Sleeckx


                                      I’m having the same problem, is there a solution?

                                      If not I’m starting another thread. It used to work perfect until updating to 1.6.1, tried 3 different exp pedals, different cables, over midi (also tried 14-bit), direct analog into H90; problem stays. If I move the pedal slowly, you can hear the steps, if I move it fast its more a on/off behaviour instead of a sweep.

                                    • #177268
                                      Eventide Staff

                                        I have received your support ticket and will help you troubleshoot the issue there,

                                    • #177271

                                        <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hey Bert,</p>

                                        No fix at the moment. I send support a video a while back with the stepping artifacts and I’m sure they’re trying to fix it. My solution is use one of the outs of my Mission Aero 25 straight into the H90. I had to reassign all the parameters I was controlling via MIDI to expression pedal.


                                        The Aero 25 is great since it has 2 outs. So one to my Gigrig G3 and the other to the H90. I would switch back to MIDI expression if they got this fixed so I could use the 2nd out for a different pedal.


                                        Hope this helps

                                        • #177273
                                          Bert Sleeckx

                                            Thanks for your reply!

                                            I’ve made a support ticket and send 2 videos. My problem is that over Midi my 3 pedals have that issue. But when I use them to control my kemper the problem is gone. If I go direct from exp. Pedal tot H90 my 2 Boss pedals have the same problem. My Roland pedal seems tot work.

                                            This all started a month ago.




                                          • #177294
                                            Eventide Staff

                                              Hi Bert,

                                              I have not received a response from you on the support ticket after requesting more information. Please respond to the support ticket to troubleshoot the issue further.

                                            • #177301
                                              Bert Sleeckx

                                                Hello Tyler,

                                                I ‘ve answered this last friday, on your mail. I’ll do it again.

                                                Here is what I wrote except te pictures and video.

                                                Can you tell me you’ve got it this time?

                                                Thanks, Bert


                                                The problems started about a month ago. Until then no problems with the pitchflex.


                                                Guitar into input1 H90 (dual mode) pichtflex preset A before kemper

                                                H90 output1 into Kemper input.

                                                kemper send to H90 input3

                                                H90 output 3-4  return to kemper.



                                                Footcontroller Gordius big little giant lg-X with 3 expression pedals connected.

                                                My expression pedal for the pitchflex  is Boss Fv500-H

                                                But If I use the 2 other exp pedals; Boss FV500-L and Roland EV-5 the problem is the same.



                                                After calibration; 2 Boss pedals problem is the same

                                                Roland pedal seems to work better (but not via midi)


                                                See video: H90 pitchflex problems 12012024.mov









                                                Van: Eventide Jira <support@eventide.com>
                                                Verzonden: vrijdag 12 januari 2024 21:23
                                                Aan: bert.sleeckx@telenet.be
                                                Onderwerp: AUD-64495 Pitchflex glitches since update 1.6.11



                                                Reply above this line.

                                                Tyler Skoglund commented:

                                                Hi Bert,

                                                Sorry, but I am unable to reproduce this using the 1.6.11 software when an expression pedal is connected directly to the H90. The pitchshifting is smooth when I use the expression pedal to control it.

                                                Can you please send another video that shows more of your setup? It would be useful to see the expression pedal, how it is connected, and what parameters you are controlling when you hear the stepping noise.

                                                Also, make sure you are mapping the expression pedal to the “manual shift” parameter when using PitchFlex.

                                                View this request in our service portal. ·

                                                Best regards,
                                                Jerome Hyman
                                                Audio Support Manager

                                              • #177305
                                                Eventide Staff

                                                  Thanks, I have now received your response via the support ticket. Sorry, the last time you sent the message it may not have gone through.

                                              • #177713
                                                Eventide Staff

                                                  Hi all, just wanted to let you know that the MIDI stepping issue is resolved in the latest software update, 1.7.5. Please update your H90 and let us know if you have any issues.

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