MIDI expression pedal & Timefactor

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    • #106774

      Can the Timefactor be controlled by MIDI expression pedal or does it have to be through the 1/4" analog phone jack only?

      Does the 1/4" phone plug have to be stereo or mono for an analog expression pedal?

      I recently purchased the Behrenger FCB1010 with two MIDI expression pedals and am beginning to wonder if they are compatible.  Has anyone gotten them to work together?  I have not. 

    • #119768
      Eventide Staff

        TF can be controlled by MIDI pedal.

        The 1/4" pedal plug can be either stereo or mono.

        What problems are you having with the FCB1010 ?

      • #119770

        I have yet to get the expression pedals to do anything with the timefactor at all.  The Beringer changes presets out of the box but I'm trying to get the expression pedals to adjust feed-back and such on the fly, so far they do nothing.  Should the FCB1010 expression pedals be set to transmit to a specific channel on the Timefactor?  Is there a setting on the Timefactor I'm missing?  I'm not finding anything in the manual that relates to MIDI signals with respect to a MIDI expression pedal.  It seems that the small paragraph or two relating to the expression pedal only relates to an analog pedal and not MIDI. 

      • #130907
        Eventide Staff

          You are pretty much asking the same questions on 2 different threads (annoying). Please see my comments on the other one.

        • #130910

          Since I'm new to MIDI the questions don't really seem all that similar to me.  I apologize if I've junked up the board with my annoying requests but I'm trying to actually learn how these devices work together.  Perhaps my second question was implied somewhere within the first but I've found that sometimes in order to receive a specific answer one needs to ask a specific question.  Feel free to delete whichever question you feel will help me learn the least.

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