MIDI mappings problem

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    • #111617

      I run to H9s on my board. Midi mappings was working great. on some presets, i used midi mappings to bypass one h9 When I only needed to run one h9. I have now changed my presets about but I can't get midi mappings to activate the pedal again on the presets that I previously Bypassed. It activates again if I get it to load in any other preset but it won't load and activate the same preset that was bypassed. I hope I've explained this situation well enough. Am I doing something wrong. Anyone else have this issue??

    • #125919

        I'm not sure that I understand. Here's what I'm guessing though that you're saying. You had saved a preset to say position 5 in bypassed state, and then you overwrote that preset with another preset  in an activated state. When you load position 5 via a MIDI program change message, it's still loading the new preset at position 5 in a bypassed state?

      • #125920

        That's it. You got it. 

      • #125921

          We've been working on setting the correct active/bypass state on presets before transferring them over via H9 Control.  (See http://forum.eventide.com/cs/forums/t/9091.aspx)  This should fix the problem you're seeing.  

          In any case for now, if you correct the active/bypass state for the preset and resave it directly on the H9 as described in the H9's Quick Start Guide among other places, that should also fix the problem. Could you give that a try with one or two presets and see if that works?

        • #136654

          Activated the preset using the stompbox foot switch and saved the preset using the presets button on the stompbox as you described and it's all working beautifully again. Thanks for the fix gKellum. Just gotta say, I am so pleased with the h9's. Best effects unit I have ever owned

        • #136655


            Just gotta say, I am so pleased with the h9's. Best effects unit I have ever owned

            Thanks!  That's good to hear.

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