midi program change set up for peddles

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    • #108532

      does any know or could send me a detailed way to set up my MODFACTOR,SPACE,TIMEFACTOR to have the MODFACTOR change the other pedal user presets when I change to another bank? reason: I have a small foot pedal board and the way its set up its easy to carry , I dont want to use like a musicom lab midi switcher I would just like the eventide pedals to change to the preset together as I use one to control thru midi. any help in detail would be greatly appreciated, Im not a midi expert at all.


    • #123240

      Are you just using the Eventide pedals or a external midi switch.

      With just the eventide you can use the XMT map, or even just straight thru Midi.

      Modfactor >Timefactor, In time factor MIDI settings setup RCV MAP under midi utility. The RCV map tells the time factor what to do when it receives a midi Program change. So the window will show( # > Function). Example.( 1 >  Bypass) , would be Program change 1, bypass effect. (2 > Pr 5) Program Change 2 = Timefactor Preset 5 and so on, You can setup the same kind of mapping in other pedal as well, you can map any kind of functions over 1 receiving channel.

      If you are new to midi , I would suggest reading the manual slowly a few times over, Once you wrap your head around it, it's all very simple. the eventide boxes have a lot of advanced midi functions for the type of unit it is. 

    • #123242

      Thank you for your response I appreciate it. yes I am just using the pedals to change the programs. And I am reading up on the MIDI stuff as suggested. also thanks for the detail info that helps get things started.

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