Misha: input function mapping not working?

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    • #165035

      I’d like to use the X – T/G input to reset the sequence.  Range is set correctly.  Linking is set to Unlinked (T).  Trigger function – Key Mapping.  Trigger Mapping, Num 1, Type Play, Mode Special, Action Reset Seq.  A trigger to this input doesn’t reset the sequence.

    • #165043
      Eventide Staff


      When you say “reset the sequence” do you mean play it from the beginning? If you’d like to trigger this function, you can do so be using the trigger mapping Type > Special and Action > Play. In this scenario, the trigger source will play a sequence that is not currently playing, or play it from the beginning if it is already playing.

      The Reset Seq action is for resetting the sequences play modifiers and resets the sequence to the following:

      1. 1) undo “INVERT” if it’s inverted
      2. 2) set to ‘prime’ if not there, and
      3. 3) reset interval sequence to +1

      Let me know if that clears things up for you.

    • #165044

      Yes!  It’s working now!  Is there a reference list of the available trigger mapping options?

    • #165045
      Eventide Staff

      Glad to hear you got it working! Yes, you can see a full list of the trigger mapping options on page 44 of the user guide (the CV input mapping options are the same as the MIDI input mapping options). https://downloads.eventide.com/audio/manuals/misha/MishaUserGuide.pdf

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