Mixing link possible use?

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    • #179265

      Thinking of using a mixing link for a wet/dry/wet guitar rig- want to know if this will work. Simple guitar to amp- mic the amp and run that into the mixing link and out to the PA via the xlr out for the dry channel. Then out from the mixing link via 1\4″ left and right (the amp out and effects send jacks?) into stereo time based pedal effects and finally out from the effects into a stereo line isolator for xlr out L\R to the PA. Will this work? Thx for the help!

    • #179292
      Eventide Staff

      Yes, that should work. I would suggest doing it this way:

      • Amp > Microphone > MixingLink Mic/Line in > MixingLink XLR out > PA
      • MixingLink “To Amp” output > Mono into Stereo time based pedals
      • Stereo pedals output > Stereo/Dual Line Isolator/DI Box > PA
      • Set Mix Mode to “Dry + Mix”
      • Enable Kill Dry on your stereo FX pedals if possible, or set their mix parameters to 100% wet

      Most stereo time based FX processors should work well with a mono in stereo out configuration. There is no need to connect 2 outputs of the MixingLink to the stereo input of these devices.

      Let me know if you have any questions.

    • #179698

      Thanks for the timely response! A few more quick questions if I may- would setting it up as you suggest enable me to kill the “dry” channel with the footswitch? Also, in this setup do I need to worry about phase? I.E. should I make sure my line isolator can change the phase of one of its channels? Or is that not a concern with this setup? And finally does this whole idea for w\d\w seem viable or problematic? Seems enticing on the face of it to do w\d\w with one amp but sometimes things are a lot harder than they look! I appreciate your input!

    • #179808
      Eventide Staff

      You’re welcome.

      • The “dry” channel in this setup is your guitar amp. This will not be muted when you deactivate the FX loop using the footswitch. The “wet” signal will be muted when you deactivate the FX loop using the footswitch.
      • If your dry and wet signals are completely separated (wet signals are fully wet or using kill dry) you most likely will not have issues. In most scenarios, phase can be flipped using the mixing board if necessary.
      • With a good live engineer who can give you the correct mix of wet/dry signals, this should be a nice setup.
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