Mixing link – Problem?

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    • #114841

       Hello, i am a musician from Greece and recently bought a MixingLink preamp from Thomann, Germany. There seems to be an issue with my device….. 

       Specifically: WHEN the fx loop is engaged, IF the signal of the “MIC – LINE IN ” input (AFTER the gain stage) clips (overloads) and distorts, THEN this distortion bleeds (finds its way out)  to the 3 final outputs (“DI/LINE OUT – “TO AMP” “PHONES”).   


      Is this normal? Is this the way the Mixinglink is designed? And that means i should just turn down the gain and – or – activate the pad?   

      Is it designed so that the clipping BLEEDS to the mix stage if the fx loop is engaged?

      OR is it a matter of a faulty resistor or something else? I am not a technician anyway….


      I made a video so you can see better 




      Another question: Are the mixinglink outputs phantom power protected? I refer to the “DI – LINE OUT” output and to the “to FX” output – since it’s balanced, and if you use a trs – male XLR cable.

      I would gladly accept some help from Eventide technical support or from any user that can comment on this. Thanks!

    • #149740

        Hi Kostas, 

        I am unable to watch your youtube vid. Not sure why? Maybe you can send me the vid via dropbox or some other way to jwaltz@eventide.com.

        Depending on the MIX mode setting and MIX control, any clipped audio at the input would get passed to the outputs. One way to avoid this is

        set the MIX Mode to FX Only or lower the input gain to avoid clipping.

        Hope this helps.

        joe waltz


      • #149741

        Hello Joe, thank you for your reply… There was a problem with the first upload, the second upload just finished. I clicked on the link and it’s ok now, so you try again… cheers!

      • #149749

          Hi Kostas,

          Yes, the MXLNK DI-LINE OUT is phantom power protected.

          Feel free to email me at 


          with any more questions


        • #149750

          Thanks Joe…. How about the first question? Did you see the video? I tried to sent it to you through mail but for some reason failed. Please check https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z86oCoF9A0w&feature=youtu.be

          I need to know if my device is faulty or not. Your anwer is critical. 

          Thank you in advance


        • #149754

            Hi Kostas,

            What is Gain Switch set to on the side of the unit? I could not figure this out from your video.

            This should be pushed in – 'LO' gain setting. Otherwise you will have limited headroom by adding 20dB of extra gain causing signal overload.

            The 'HI' gain setting is for ribbon mics or low-output mics. 

            email me

            thanks, joe waltz 

          • #149757


            the “gain” was set to high…. On purpose actually, since I did want to clip it to see if the distortion – clipping signal – would pass through to the DI out (with the FX loop activated).

              And the distortion DID pass. But what i am asking is: SHOULD this happen? OR is it a sign of a defective unit?



          • #149758

              Based on your video, the unit does not seem defective. The Peak LED is only supposed to come on breifly for the loudest input signal. 

              I can't tell if you are getting a 'dry' clipped signal when the box is set for 100% wet, when the input is slammed (peak LED on constant).

              I think this is what you are saying seems broke.

              I will try to duplicate this, and let you know what I find, but for time being I would say the MXLNK is not broke.


            • #149759

               Yes, this is what i mean…. When it’s set to 100% wet (switch in the middle to “MIX” and knob fully clockwise, OR switch far right to “FX ONLY”and regardless of knob position)  AND a ‘dry’ clipped signal  (peak LED on constant) comes from the preamp stage.

                 It is not possible for me to find another mixinglink and compare… thus I will wait for your results. Thank you!

            • #149761

                Hi Kostas

                Can you email me?

                How is XLR Out level set? DI or LINE?



              • #149764

                I am not sure because i tried both ways. Either DI out and add more gain to my console or LINE OUT and cut gain on the console.I think it was set at DI out  on the video.

                However i considered putting input gain to low and XLR out to LINE to have about the same results without having the fear of clipping and use it safely then as a mic on/off switch. 

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