ModFactor 2.4.0 Public Beta

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    • #106465

        Eventide is happy to make its ModFactor 2.4.0 software available as a Public Beta.

        This Public Beta is open to all registered owners of ModFactor.

        Participation requires the following steps:

        Create an Account.

        Register your ModFactor.

        Read the Release notes from the ModFactor Support Page for features and installation instructions.

        Report any issues to

      • #119083



        Thank you all for putting out this beta.


        I’ve installed it but I still only have 20 banks of presets. Is there a trick to getting the other 30? I’m very excited to try presets 48:2 and 50:2, hoping they are Univibe clones.




      • #119086
        Eventide Staff

          In System Mode, under Utility sub-menu choose BANKS to enable the rest the presets.

        • #130212

            awesome updates. i really like the chorus. is the phaseX0 supposed to be a uni-vibe type setting? i suppose you can't call it that because of copyrights and all. i can get a pretty close sound with it set a 4 stages. anyone come up with some truly authentic sounding uni-vibe settings yet?

          • #119089


              thank you guys!!!

            • #119093

                LOVING the new undulator presets int he 40's




              • #119097

                Awesome guys!

                I'd just bought this a week ago and thought the phaser was a bit weak- no longer!

                Hoping you'll put up a fully detailed setting preset list soon.

                John Beddoe

              • #119105

                Hi friends, Alter new software update the LFO display in PLAY mode in my MF does not work. The bar keeps quiet on the left of the display. I got the option activated in the utility menu!!

                Nice new presets, tanks for your efforts.


              • #130233
                Eventide Staff


                  the LFO display in PLAY mode in my MF does not work. The bar keeps quiet on the left of the display.

                  Sorry – this looks like a bug – we'll fix in in the full release.

                • #119107


                    I'm finding some oddities with expression pedal programming. I'm running an M-Audio EXP1 and it will only let me program parameter change values in the toe up position. I realize there is now a 2 second curfew but for the life of me I can't seem to get any action happening in the toe down position. Another thing: I know the LED has to blink to show live expression pedal activity. This only happens when going from the toe down to toe up. As soon as the direction is reversed, despite attempts at altering parameters, it kills the live mode and the LED remains on (not blinking).

                    Am I missing something?

                    I haven't tried it with the Timefactor yet so nothing to report there.


                    Brett Kingman

                  • #119108

                      Re my expression pedal problem: I've fixed it quite easily by simply unplugging and re-plugging in the expression pedal so the ModFactor (and TimeFactor) registers it properly. Something to remember if anyone else is experiencing difficulty.



                    • #119109

                      Good update but I don't understad why you only add an output level on the rotary effect, the tremolo needs one too.

                    • #119110

                      The output volume for the rotary effect is cool, but you've forgotten to fix the same problem with the tremolo! I hope it will be in the final update version.

                    • #119111

                      I can't update my MF … I use update sofware and updating stop before the end !!!

                      Now my MF is totally out of order cause I can't restore with old settings or Factory settings… I send an email to EVENTIDE team but I'm still waiting for an answer … Hope for monday !

                    • #119113

                        Thanks! Big Smile

                      • #130249
                        Eventide Staff


                          I use update sofware and updating stop before the end

                          For now, try it on a different computer. If this does not help you may have a hardware problem.

                        • #130334

                          Thanks for working on a new update Eventide.  It is very much appreciated.

                          As for comments, I am running into issues related to volume drops/increases on certain effects.  One that comes to mind is on the phaser.  When adding more stages and increasing the intensity, the volume becomes much louder than the bypassed signal.  I have found it in other places as well. It would be great if all patches could be normalled to each other with the option of boosting the tremolo.

                          The chorus sounds great and I'm able to get closer to a Uni-vibe setting on the phaser than I was able to previously.

                          My other wish is to have the ability to combine tremolo with some of the other modulation effects, perhaps by using the type knob to select "add trem" and use the bottom row of knobs to control the tremolo itself.  It's more than likely the only effect that makes sense to combine with the other effects.

                          Looking forward to the final release as well as future updates.


                        • #130347

                            "My other wish is to have the ability to combine tremolo with some of
                            the other modulation effects, perhaps by using the type knob to select
                            "add trem" and use the bottom row of knobs to control the tremolo
                            itself.  It's more than likely the only effect that makes sense to
                            combine with the other effects."

                            I agree!


                          • #130367

                            I agree! I would love to be able to add a Tremolo to a Phaser or Flanger.

                          • #130393

                              By turning up D-Mod but not S-Mod you can get some Tremolo-like effects from any effect in ModFactor. Adjust the speed of the Tremolo-like effect with the Mod Rate knob. By changing the Mod Source knob you can select shapes like Sine wave, Square wave, etc for the modulation.

                            • #130394

                                Oh nice. I´ll try it. Thanks a lot. Smile

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