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    • #109469

      Hello every1,I've just registerd, although i'm a thankfull, happy Modfactor user more than a year.

      Can anyone out there help me to create a simple old fashion Phaser tone with my Modfactor,

      as we have with a blink of an eye with MXR Phase 90?May God bless those who have an answer & helps those who have'not.-:)

    • #124169


        Is the ModFactor's software up to date? The latest version has Phase xo, which is similar to a Phase90. You can find info about updates here.

      • #124272

        Hi there,

        Thnx a LOT of much 4 u're mail. Finally i've done it & i'm as happy as i could be, but still i have to REorganize all the banks all over again.:(

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