Modfactor Hiss Question

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    • #106223

      I am running my TimeFactor in front of my BadCat and have noticed a hiss coming from the pedal which I cannot get rid of. I can live with it. Question is does the ModFactor have a slight hiss too? I am thinking of getting one but don't want both pedals producing a slight hiss. That's double which would be too much.

      P.S. I tried the Nova-System and it produced enough hiss that I put it back in the box and returned it. This must be a A-D-A thing.


    • #118602
      Eventide Staff

       All electronic equipment generates some noise. But, as you can tell by looking through this forum, the Factor pedals are not bad.

      Things to check:

      1) Make sure the level switches on the pedal are in the right positions.

      2) Make sure your guitar is turned up full.

      3) Try different cables.

      4) Look at your EQ/tone controls and be sure that there is not too much high end boost.

      The fact that you've had the same problem with other pedals suggests (but only suggests) that the problem may be at your end.

    • #118631

      I've also had a Time Factor and a Nova System, and I've never noticed more than very slight hiss with either. I recommend you check your power sources and cables.

    • #118632

      They both hiss enough to hear… (more than a normal pedal should) The trick is to put a buffer before them. that will reduce the hiss almost entirely. I have both pedals on my board so I know this works. The pedals are great! which makes up for a little hiss. You can almost eliminate it with a buffer. This is the best buffer out there! The company is great! and they make high end products. I have several of their pedals on my board.. the HotWired OD and the Ego Comp are my favorite.
      good luck

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