Modfactor in loop with Boss LS 2

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    • #111919


      My modfactor is isolated on a Boss LS2, Killdry on. I blend the mix of the clean guitar with the modulated guitar to get the sound I want …

      Should I use the Amp level or the Line level on the modfactor ?

    • #126686
      Eventide Staff

        Hard for us to know (too many possibilities). Try guitar first – if this distorts, use line.

      • #126687

        I tried line, I get a slight boost of volume and no difference in sound. Actually I'd say I can hear modulation better …

        I have to say that using a looper pedal with the possibility to blend dry wet with the guitar signal, placing the modfactor before od's & distortion in killdry mode has transfigured the pedal.

        If it can be from any help to anyone outthere, I don't have to make a couple of preset anymore like a chorus for clean and the same chorus for distortions or overdrive with a different intensity. Sounds are much more balanced and the blend is just around 50/50.

        I wish it would just be a little less coloured / more transparent by the stompbox in the low freq range. You just loose a bit of precision and tone of the pickup for some mods.

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