ModFactor: sync tremolo to MIDI clock

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    • #113634

        I’ve tried to sync tremolo to MIDI clock but it sounds terribly off. It syncs to the tempo correctly but it’s not in sync with the beat.

        The clock comes from LogicPro but I probably have to offset it to make it sound good.

        Does anybody have experience with this issue? Years ago I tried to sync the Boss Slicer and I never really got it working so maybe it’s a problem of Logic not consistently sticking to the programmed offset.

        Would be great to get some more info on this topic. Thanks.

      • #144119

          Check out the Release Notes – Other Changes for the version 5.4.0 firmware on the ModFactor product page.

          LogicPro should be able to send a MIDI Start message to initially sync, or re-sync the Modfactor.  Barring that, you might be able to send (any) MIDI CC message (with a value of 127) to the Tap function.  Pressing Tap restarts the LFO waveform.  Works on the H9, so try it out on the ModFactor.

          Another thing to check is the WIDTH control in TremoloPan.  At zero, it’s left & right in sync.  At 99, left & right alternate, and it ‘feels’ like twice the SPEED.  Intermediate settings place the right channel between 0 and 180 out of phase with the left channel.  Those values can make it difficult to hear the sync clearly.

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