Modfactor Update – Presets Changed

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    • #107584

      I recently updated my Modfactor to V3 using the Eventide Update Facility on a Mac running OS X 10.6.5. As seen in other reports it went all the way through the process and then at the end the Modfactor clicked and reset while the Update Facility went into 'device relocation attempt failure' 1, 2, 3, and so on. It seemed I had the update but later realised that some of the Presets like 10:2 which is meant to be Guitar Drums (Ring Mod) was actually a plain Chorus similar to Preset 1:1. I have since reverted back to 2.4.2 where I have all my Presets back to normal. Any ideas?

    • #121447
      Eventide Staff

        There is an occasional update (which we are trying to fix) where the update is successful, but resetting the unit afterward is unsuccessful – this sound like what you have. If the update itself fails, this is usually pretty obvious.

        My guess is that your update was OK but you did not re-init the unit – this would mean that the old presets were running with the new system, which could easily give the results you describe.

        I would suggest that you back up any current presets, then try the update again and re-init as recommended afterward.

      • #121452

        I'm pretty sure I did this at the end of the update. Just to clarify what should I do when it gets to the end of the update before it goes into the device relocation attempt failure. I have re-installed the update a few times only to loose that 10:2 patch.

      • #132658
        Eventide Staff

          Nothing you need to do at that point. When you restart the unit you should do a "Restore Factory Effects Presets and System Settings" as described in the UM. This WILL erase all user presets.

          User Presets must usually be recreated because they are often incompatible with the updated system. It's worth backing them up before the update and giving them a try, but tweaks are usually necessary. For example, if, as often requested, we change the range of a control, previous knob settings will be in the wrong place.

        • #132659

          But see that's the thing. I haven't saved any User Presets. I'm using the unit as is – with the standard factory presets. After installing V3, some of the factory presets are missing – according the list of presets. I've 'Restored Factory Effects' a few times.

        • #132744

            Same problem here !

          • #132745
            Eventide Staff


              After installing V3, some of the factory presets are missing – according the list of presets. I've 'Restored Factory Effects' a few times.

              Do tell – which presets are missing ? Be sure that you have enabled all the banks – see UTILITY/BANKS in the UM for more info (p.36 for MF).

            • #132747

                Preset 10:2 is named "CHORUS", it should be "Guitar Drums" isn't it ?

              • #132748

                Yep! Exactly that.

              • #132749
                Eventide Staff


                  Preset 10:2 is named "CHORUS", it should be "Guitar Drums" isn't it ?

                  You're right – this is a known bug which will be fixed in the full release. As far as I know, all the other presets are good.

                • #132750

                    Yes, all the others presets are OK 😉 Have you got a date for the final update ?

                    Thanks for reply and thanks for your wonderful products :-))

                  • #132751
                    Eventide Staff


                      Have you got a date for the final update ?

                      We're hoping for end of this month or sometime next.

                      Thanks for kind words …

                    • #133513

                      Any update on this getting fixed.  I'm having the same problem with my modfactor.  It can't relocate the device after update.

                    • #133516

                      I had the same problem, too. Since this update seemed to have applied OK (there were no errors until it tried to restart the pedal, then couldn't locate it again), I followed the procedures in Nick's post above, restored the Factory Presets and System Settings, and everything worked as expected. This only happened on one of the Factors, though. I can't remember which one, but I think it was the MF. The others completed the entire process on their own and all were operating as expected afterwards.

                      Obviously, backing up your presets is important, too. There were some known issues restoring V2 presets, since that didn't support preset naming. Even then, several of the algorithms changed the range of available parameter values, which necessitated changes to earlier presets even when they were written out on paper and manually restored. In my opinion, the changes have really improved the usability and sound quality, so the growing pains have definitely been worth the effort (and occassional frustrations).

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