Modfilter Distorting

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    • #105784

        Hello, I have a strange problem with a H8000 here, when I use the Modfilter in a straight wire and control only its frequency manually or modulated (it does not matter) then the filter distorts at more than about 9350Hz, it sounds like bitcrushing and ringmodulating at the same time and gets worse as the frequency rises – something is wrong with this module, is there any way to get rid of this? Or how is the explanations for this? It does not matter what filter output I use…it always starts sounding dizzy at 9350Hz, though I sounds like the filter is completely open at 9350, so it might be that the filter goes into a kind of quantisation overload above that frequency, but why the hell was it calibrated to be open at 9350 and not 20k? Then I found out whe I alter the Q-Value, the problem fixes for that frequency, but as higher as I go the higher Q-Values I have to select not to let the distortion problem occurr…so, this is a bug right? Explain to me plz!


      • #117770

         Hi Tom

        what sampling frequency are you using?

        Please try others.

        Filters can self_oscillate or saturate, depending on:

        -input level

        -Q settings

        -audio material/transients fed

        How are your input levels/LEDs set?


      • #117771


          Well I watch my levels from the input, post fader, but when I have distortions I check them all to find out where it overloads – this time I found nothing, I retested and it does not depend on the source material, I get this strange distorting effect with a q of 1.0 and frequency values higher than 9350 – And I cant get rid of it, working with it this way is not possible, I dont see why a filter should distort even when there is no possibility that it overloaded… (I cranked the input way down to the bottom to see if the effect fades out, but no, did not change a bit, so its not input sensitive…)

          what do you think?


        • #117772

             p.s. I wont change the sample rate…I use 44.1khz, and I just wont change it, you see, my setup just runs with that and if that filter wont do it with 44.1 he's an ***…

          • #128908


            please do the following, as requested:

            -keep your LED monitoring at input stage and report how many LEDs light up.

            -try other sampling frequencies as a test. I haven't said you should use others. The test is important to us.

            I would also try other source materials and check if you get the same problem.

            Thank you


          • #131332

              "please do the following, as requested:"


              I did now.

              LED Monitoring Shows 3 dots, so very soft signal.

              tried with 48khz, exact same operation execpt the distortion sets in later in the frequency spectrum at about 10000hz…

              All the same results with all source materials, be it beats, be it strings with almost no dynamic, its just always the same effect.

              I opened a new thread to this topic, with an audio and a sig file and a description for you to recreate it…
              It is still in moderation but I will post the link to it here when its there. 

            • #131333
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