Module Manual?

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    • #106141

      I've been going through the documentation for the H8000FW, including the programing manual and the VSIG manual. I can't seem to find any document that has a list of the building blocks available for patch creation within the H8000FW. Does this exist?

      I'd love to be able to print it out and study it. Other intricate modular devices such as the Kyma Capybara, Nord Modular, and Reaktor all have something along this line. It was essential to my learning process to read descriptions of the modules and their function.


    • #118431


        there is a Programmer's Module Manual availabe for 4000 and 7000 ultra harmonizers. For the H-8000 FW there is a help file that contains descriptions of the available modules – I am not sure if it's updated as the one I have is dated 2 Aug 2007. I have printed this and study it before I go to sleep…

        It would be nice to have one in pdf format…

      • #118432

        Do you have a copy of Vsig? Open Vsig, then go to Help>Index, then choose MODULES>Alphabetical Module List. Is that what you're looking for?

      • #118437


        That's what I'm looking for.

        A PDF would be fantastic. My PC is my workstation and my Mac is my internet/printer computer, so I guess it's in front of the monitor reading for now.

      • #130402


          is it possible to have an updated help for the H-8000FW? I use VSig 2.4.9, loaded a PhaseShift module and then opened the help file to see its description. In the help file there is a parameter "Poles" – I know what it is – but it's not present in VSig.

          There are some other modules that suffer, too! If someone sends me the updated help file, I offer to make a nice PDF and send it back to Eventide for them to put on their web site.



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