More freezing up issues w/H90

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    • #172287

      Powered it up this morning and it wouldn’t boot, it just stayed frozen with “H90” on the screen.

      Tried recovery mode which prompted me to do firmware updates.  thing is, i did all these updates the other day so i don’t get it.  full disclosure, i may have done a Factory Reset at some point after having done all the firmware updates.  Would a factory reset wipe my firmware versions all the way back to square one?

      Anyway, once i was in recovery mode and prompted to do the updates, it WOULD NOT let me do the first update- V1.1.4.  I attempted this update 4 times and every time my computer would say, “installing updates. waiting for h90 to restart” …which the H90 wouldn’t do.  the screen would be locked on the H90 logo with “finishing up” underneath it.

      At this point i decided to give up on 1.1.4 and try doing all the subsequent updates in order.  this worked, but now i’m wondering if the fact that i didn’t do the 1.1.4 update is going to rear its ugly head is some shape or form down the road.

      These lockups aren’t instilling too much confidence in this thing’s reliability.  I’ve only had it for 3 days and it’s been buggy.  could i have a bad unit and consider returning/exchanging from the dealer?  Or are these known kinks that will be worked via subsequent updates?

    • #172289

      FYI: I don’t own a H90 (own H9Max) but I was looking over this information…

      Is the H90 working now? According to the release notes you need to have Firmware 1.5.6 to install H90 Control 1.4.1. Also, the unit must be registered. I would think if you have the latest Firmware and H90 Control you should be good.

      • #172291

        yes, it’s working now.  i’m aware of the whole firmware thing, that was yet another thing that was causing my unit to lock up.  do you know if doing a factory reset wipes out current firmware versions?  Asking because i had firmware completely up to date the day i got it, but then after the freeze-up today, it was telling me i needed to update firmware, all the same version updates i’d done the day i got it.  Again, i think I may have done a factory reset but i can’t say with one hundred percent certainty.  This begs the question/concern, if a factory reset didn’t bring my firmware back to square one, how/why did this happen???

        I have tow H9 Max, and i don’t think either one gave me so much as a single hiccup in the nearly 10 years i’ve had them.  not feeling good about this purchase thus far.

    • #172292

      This is from the manual. So it appears that the Firmware should have not been downgraded. Sometimes Firmware and memory can be corrupted when loaded or just during use so doing a new Firmware install will not hurt anything and may straighten things. I hesitated to comment because I don’t have any experience with the H90 so I don’t know all the ins and outs. I can say that the H90 is a different beast than the H9 with a lot more going on. Sometimes bugs take a bit of time to flesh out. I know it’s frustrating and if it persists definitely contact Eventide support. These devices are very dependent on source code and just a few code tweaks and new firmware that will get things running smooth. Hopefully an Eventide staff person will chime in with some better information.

      ”D.3. Factory Reset

      Press and hold all three Quick Knobs while inserting the power cable until the text “Performing factory reset” appears on the H90’s screen.

      A Factory Reset will erase all User Lists, Programs, and Presets. This will also reset the System and Tempo settings. This will not downgrade the firmware.”

    • #172293

      thanks for doing the digging.  so that’s pretty weird then that my firmware got wiped to the factory version.  we’ll see if it sticks over the next couple days.  fingers crossed

    • #172294

      thanks for doing the digging. so that’s pretty weird then that my firmware got wiped to the factory version. we’ll see if it sticks over the next couple days. fingers crossed

      Sure thing.👍

    • #176404

      I can’t get my H90 to do a factory reset as per the reference guide. How do I fix this?

      • #176408
        Eventide Staff

        What firmware is your H90 running and what happens when you attempt to factory reset the pedal?

        You must hold down the 3 quick knobs while powering on the pedal until the display says that the factory reset is happening. Do not let go of the 3 quick knobs until this is displayed.

    • #176417

      I was able to remedy my issue by recovery mode then reinstall all releases.

    • #176418
      Eventide Staff

      Glad to hear you resolved the issue.

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