Multiple H90’s Connected via USB MIDI

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Multiple H90’s Connected via USB MIDI

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    • #183068

      Hi all,


      Did a quick search and didn’t see an answer so apologies if I missed it.


      Looking to have two H90’s connected to Ableton Live and send different patch changes to each.  Since they’ll both be recognized by the computer as H90 & not differentiated I’m wondering if I can use different MIDI channels to address each independently and if there are any pitfalls in this approach (in which case I can use a MIDI device just trying to tighten up the board layout).



    • #183069
      Eventide Staff

      When you have 2 H90’s connected, Live should automatically label the 2nd one as “H90 #2” so you can differentiate them that way. This is how it is working for me in Live 11 with no special configuration.

      You should be able to have specific MIDI tracks in Live for either H90 and use the device labels to differentiate them, but yes, you can also use separate MIDI channels if necessary.

    • #183070

      Ah ok that sounds perfect, does it keep the order of #1 & #2 when relaunching? Will try it out here next week and thanks for the quick response!

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