Musicomlab EFX Mk2 Timefactor Modfactor

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    • #106905


      I'm trying to have my musicomlab efx mk2 control both my time factor and modfactor's bank changes. In the musicomlab manual, it says you just run a midi cable from the out of the controller to the in of one pedal, then an a cable in the out of that one to the other pedal's in. 

      I'm able to control my Timefactor's bank changes perfectly with it set on PC1, but for some reason can't control my Modfactor's changes and it's set on PC2. 

      It has to be an issue with my settings on my Modfactor. Please help!


    • #120062

      Have you made sure to set the PC2 on the Musicom to be on the same channel as the Modfactor is on, and have you set the Timefactor's MIDI to "Thru" instead of "XMT"?

    • #120071

      Ask this dude.  He may help.

    • #120948

      hello i have the problem right now how do you set PC2? on musicom


    • #132661

        Timefactor midi output thru
        Timefactor midi RCV CH 1

        efx MkIII midi PC1
        efx MkIII midi cc01

        Modfactor midi output thru
        Modfactor midi RCV CH 2

        efx MkIII midi PC2
        efx MKIII midi cc02

        choose your banks for each pedals through PS-3 on MkIII using corresponding PC1 or PC2

      • #121461

          Timefactor midi output thru
          Timefactor midi RCV CH 1

          efx MkIII midi PC1
          efx MkIII midi cc01

          Modfactor midi output thru
          Modfactor midi RCV CH 2

          efx MkIII midi PC2
          efx MKIII midi cc02

          choose your banks for each pedals through PS-3 on MkIII using coresponding PC1 or PC2

        • #122167

            Sorry for the necro-bump, but how is the Musicomlab effects holding out?

            I wanted to know if there is any noticable latencies jump from preset to preset ? ex. change to your boost tone for a quick line then back again to your rhythm presets with no discordance. Thanks in advance

          • #122172

              Hi Imerkat, the Musicomlab is holding out great, had it on stage and didn't notice any latencies from preset to preset, at least with my setup. I did a lot of jumping from clean to dirt, from chorus to clean, from both channels on the amp and various pedal configurations. I'm actually very happy with the unit. If you want you can see some of the set-ups and descriptions off my site.


            • #133454

                awesome! great looking site btw

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