My H9000 crashes a lot… is this normal?

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    • #176713

      Hi, my H9000 crashes pretty frequently, like 2-4 times per session, usually when I’m adding algos or changing the FX chain routing.

      Not using emote.. just tweaking/programming from H9k screen.

      Is this normal?

      Kind of a PITA considering the slow reboot!

    • #176716

      That’s definitely not normal – I use ours most days and I can’t remember the last time it crashed. Are you using the latest H9k firmware, is anything connected to the USB that could be causing this?

    • #176720
      Eventide Staff

      Sorry to hear this, this isn’t normal. Some more information would be useful:

      • What firmware is the H9000 running? (you should update to the latest if you are running an older firmware)
      • Is this a new unit that you just started using? Or you have used it for a while and the crashes are more recent?
      • Is there a specific action that you can pinpoint to what is causing the crash?

      You can try the USB self test (instructions below) and send the results to and we can help troubleshoot this further there.

    • #176732

      Hi, thanks,

      I see it was using the previous firmware, so I updated. Fist thing I did was check a couple new algos. After ten minutes, the “alpha dial” stopped working, but only when in the parameter-edit screen. I could still use it when in all other screens.

      I ran the self-test, which reported that it ran seven tests with zero failures.

      Emailing the file to support in case there are other things which need to be looked at.

      I forgot to mention that I’m currently running the H9000 as an audio interface for my MPC one, at 44.1khz. Other than that, it’s just connected to my mixer via analog i/o.



      • #176745
        Eventide Staff

        Thanks for contacting support, I can help you troubleshoot this further there.

    • #176748

      I had consistent crashes when using the H9000 internal clock for digital audio. However, I switched to using external clocking and those issues went away. This could be the culprit.

    • #176757

      I only get consistent crashes if I try to load an algorithm (from an external source like VSIG) over the top of an algorithm that is currently being used in a chain. I can’t get other gear in the studio to sync to the H9000’s wordclock out if I’m clocking from the H9000, so tend to have the H9000 as a wordclock slave, where it works OK. I can’t really test if crashes are more prevalent using the internal clock or not.

    • #176797

      After some conversation with support I think the hope is that most or all of my crashes are due to using the “expert router” screen to program the FX chain routing.

      Apparently this page is known to be buggy and it is recommended I do that work using emote. Well, since I have the full h9000-with-interface version, I’m going to hope that this eventually gets tidied up, and I won’t need to invest precious studio real-estate on another screen/computer to run emote.

      Although these crashes are a pain, I have yet to loose any data.

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