My H9000 died after 1 year and 2 months

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    • #176940

        I’m extremely upset. I’ve heard of planned obsolescence… but like…a $10,000 piece of equipment that dies so such a short period of time after the warranty expires. I can’t even possibly convey how upset I am, I am legitimately crying because so much money has essentially been flushed down the toilet. With inflation this past year, I can’t afford the approximate $1000 to send it from Canada to get it repaired. I am honestly completely devastated and my interest in music might never recover from this. I saved for a long time to be able to get this, and poof…gone. I don’t even know what to say or where I’m going with this. I just want to put my frustrations out there I guess.

      • #176941
        Matthias Adloff

          Phew, calm down.

          • Please describe your issue other than that you’re upset. How should anyone help you otherwise?
          • It will not cost you 1k, neither USD nor CAD, to send it to Eventide.
          • You definitely didn’t “flush 10k down the toilet”.  As a worst case scenario I would estimate 500 CAD total. There are no gold bars inside the unit.
          • Planned obsolescence… I highly doubt that. It’s more the US-American way of building things. Look at Tesla, where QC works worldwide except Freemont 🙂


        • #176942
          Eventide Staff

            Very sorry to hear this. Please email and we can get you taken care of.

            Please provide more information about what the issue so we can get a better idea of how to help you. Thanks for your patience.

          • #176946

              I’ve had my Eventide for a while, been using ADAT up until now and have decided to switch to at least one analog input. I have 3 pieces of analog gear; a Roland Jupiter Xm, a Moog Subsequent 37, and an AT 4050 microphone.


              A quick overview of inputs:

              Analog Inputs 1/2 is the L/R channel of my Jupiter Xm

              S/PDIF Input 1 is mapped from Analog Input 1 on the Focusrite (my microphone).

              S/PDIF Input 2 is mapped from Analog Input 2 on the Focusrite (Moog Subsequent 37)


              Since trying to make the move to analog, the S/PDIF input does nothing but crackle (first time using S/PDIF). I have tried this configuration swapped where the two S/PDIF Inputs above go into the H9000’s Analog 1/2, and the issue stays with the S/PDIF Input. I have also tried Optical S/PDIF (no luck there either), and I’ve tried setting both the Focusrite and the H9000 as the primary audio device in Windows (and all variations associated with these different variable changes). It also happens regardless of the sample right and buffer size that I use.

              I’m using nothing but balanced and shielded cables where possible. I also have the world clock signal from my Focusrite 18i20 3rd Gen going to the eventide.

              I have also tried using phantom power and not using phantom power to see if it changes the crackling issue. It does not. The audio is also usable right up until it goes into the H9000 over S/PDIF. Once it hits the H9000, it just turns into clicking.


              Of note, I have gotten it to work on two occasions but I’m flabbergasted at what the circumstances were, and the issue typically returns when modifying algorithm parameters.

              I’ve also attached screenshots of my Focusrite’s settings and my H9000’s settings.

              I have absolutely no sound on SPDIF anymore (no crackling and popping, and no input sound), the crackling and popping sound has spread to the USB section as well.

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            • #176973

                ….it was the focusrite, im a dumbass

                • #176981

                    ….it was the focusrite, im a dumbass

                    It may very well be, or it is most likely pilot error. In comparison, it took me the better part of a month to wrap my head around the H9000. Before you figure something is broken, strip stuff down to the bare minimum. Start with the analog XLR stereo pair. Can you get input into that and back out to your interface? Spend some time reading the manuals as well.

                • #176986

                    It’s definitely the Focusrite. As soon as I use both SPDIF Ins/Outs the sound starts crackling. When I restore system defaults on the Focusrite, the issue goes away. I have no problems with any other inputs. It’s purely when using both SPDIF In/Out. I can use one or the other but not both.

                  • #176991

                      Have you tried clocking to the eventide? Can you set the focusrite to external spdif for a clock source? I think that word clock setting is BNC cable, are they actually connected? Try it different ways. Set the eventide to clock to the focusrite and vice versa.

                    • #176992

                        Yes I have tried all of those things. I cycled through all of the clock settings on both devices while ensuring they were always on the same clock setting and sample rate each time, and I’ve tried the BNC cable sync to the Focusrite. Unfortunately, the Focusrite can only be the master for world clock

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