My issue with the catchup feature

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    • #106577

      I use the catchup feature, which is great for knowing how my presets are set up on the Timefactor. But I also assign things like pdl and mix to my Behringer FCB1010 expression pedals. Guess what happens: Instead of controlling delay mix in realtime via MIDI, the Timefactor tells me to turn my knob to the left/right.

      So I guess my question is, can you set the catchup feature to ignore MIDI commands, because I can't think of a situation where you'd need catchup mode while adjusting the Timefactor from an external source, you'd always have the timefactor in front of you surely???

    • #119344

        Good point. Which software version are you using?

      • #119352

        I was using the most recent version, 2.4.something. I've just upgraded to the beta software but haven't tried this out on it yet.

      • #119356
        Eventide Staff

          You are right – it's a bug. Amazing that neither we nor anyone else has noticed it until now.

          It has been fixed and will be available in the next version, due later this month or early next.

        • #119366

          Do I get a free Pitchfactor for pointing it out?. . .

        • #130485
          Eventide Staff

            Interestingly, there has been much discussion here as to whether it is a bug.

            One faction feels that the purpose of catchup is to protect the preset settings from change, whether deliberate or accidental.

            The other faction thinks that the purpose of catchup is to avoid abrupt changes due to, for example, moving a knob which is not pointing at the current value.

            So, no cigar until we get a conclusion. What do people out there think ?

          • #130488

            I disagree. If you want to protect  a preset from change, don't save it.

            I see it as a means of knowing what each knob is set to, compared to what it physically is at the time. External controllers shouldn't be limited by this surely?

          • #130494

            I know myself if I had mistakely moved a knob I didn't mean to I'm glad it didn't save it with the feature on. Would be nice though to be able to see the setting without have to move it at all, maybe push the knob down or something to indicate the value of the setting prior to turning it??

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