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February 3, 2009 at 5:04 am #106046
ParticipantI wish they would make native versions. TDM is going away with computers becoming so powerful.
March 4, 2009 at 5:45 pm #118353
It is an ENORMOUS amount of work for us to change from TDM to native.
One day …
March 4, 2009 at 7:47 pm #118356
ParticipantSince it's such an ENORMOUS task, you might want to consider starting sooner rather than later (assuming you intend to stay in the plugin business). Most of the people I know in the business (including myself), are either getting rid of TDM or thinking about getting rid of it. I don't have statistics, but I would bet there are currently more native users than TDM and the trend will only continue to move further in that direction.
March 4, 2009 at 11:17 pm #129454
Gosh !!!
March 9, 2009 at 3:35 am #118371
Participanti'd love native versions of the anthology bundle . i'm sure it's a huge amount of work to re-write all the plugs for AU/VST mac/PC but you'd sell an assload of them especially if you made them dongle free w/challenge response authorization so people could use them on their laptops. it'd be heaven.
i can't imagine pro-tools DSP cards making sense for much longer. another year or two and CPU"s will have who knows how many cores and CPU cycles to spare.. digidesign will have to reinvent itself along the model of MOTU and be an interface + software company or come up with something relevant. i know their hardware is quite specialized and allows for ultra low latency for high track counts when tracking but who cares? apogee, lynx etc are offering low latency PCIe cards w/quality converters/clocks and they are only gonna be better as time goes on.
March 24, 2009 at 5:43 am #118415
Participantso.. the native versions will be out next week right? 😉 new apple mac pro would run the anthology bundle nicely me thinks.
March 24, 2009 at 5:08 pm #129538
Can't argue with your analysis. Except .. it may take a few weeks more.
So much to do, so little time.
March 24, 2009 at 5:58 pm #129539
Participanti'm sure it would take more than a few weeks.. there's a lot of plug ins to convert. i'd be happy to beta test for you guys if this does indeed become a reality. 🙂
April 5, 2009 at 7:02 pm #129614
Participantif you guys do actually make native versions of these plug ins i really really hope you make then iLok free and allow for 2 authorizations so we can install them on 2 systems.. one for the laptop and one for the desktop. traveling with iLoks is annoying and worrying as they break/get lost or stolen and laptops are fast enough these days to use CPU hungry plugins like these in a live situation. playing live with an iLok is doubly worrisome…
i know it's not too common for highend plug in makers to allow for more than one install but these days it's more than necessary and most DAW's (DP, live, Logic etc) allow for installs on more than one system because i think they understand that most people have a live/portable set up as well as a studio set up.. i think it's unreasonable to have to buy the plug ins twice to use them on each system. even NI allows a 2nd auth and many other plug in developers do as well.
just my 2 cents
January 10, 2010 at 8:01 pm #130880
ParticipantI would love to have the Antology as Vst.
And I add myself with the ones who already strongly suggested not to take the iLok ( and similar) route.
This is the reason why I don't buy Soundtoys.
March 21, 2010 at 6:33 pm #131352
Participanti wonder if there is any news about native anthology? Digidesign supposedly has something new in the works. i wonder how it will effect TDM developers? especially since digidesign has ditched DAE support for logic/dp in future versions of protools. seems now more than ever tdm developers should be looking more and more towards going native… those that haven't already anyways..
anyway – i plan on a new mac pro sometime late this year.. it would be nice to make it sweat running eventide plug ins in logic natively…
March 22, 2010 at 7:34 am #131357
Surround SFX
Member+1 on native versions. I have the Anthology II bundle but the HD2 rig is collecting dust and looking at permanent retirement. Apart from the processing per dollar being way behind the times, the DSPs more often than not max out at 96k (well, at least for most *interesting* plug-ins)….which is a pity as I work at 192k most of the time. So Mr HD2 doesn't get to play with the boys very often anymore.
Also, surround capable plug-ins would be great. I can imagine spending significant money on a native surround Eventide bundle to complement the Lexicon reverb offerings, especially if it were to contain the ultra-shifter algorithms (not just the 3000-ish ones in the Anthology bundle). Basically make the 8000 a native Mac plug, charge me 2k and everybody should be happy 🙂
Personally, I like the iLok. Nice and hassle-free, no "you have already authorised 3 machines so please wait a week for someone in support to get back to you" nonsense. Plug in the dongle, install, rolling.
My 2 ct on the matter.
April 29, 2010 at 8:58 pm #131597
Participantany will to offer us an update about a possible Native version at the horizon ?
and, if this horizon exists, how far it is from now ?
thank you !
April 29, 2010 at 10:59 pm #131598
We would certainly like to, but can't say if or when. Sorry.
May 22, 2010 at 5:28 pm #131679
native versions pretty please
August 26, 2010 at 5:30 pm #120708
ParticipantI hear you, but I just bought 2 Lexicon pcm bundles, and would defintely buy an audio unit native anthology bundle. My tdm system is gathering dust. As are my H300 and slightly less, my Eclipse.
Of course you need to do the cost/benefit analysis for you, but there is a large market for native plugins, that is probably increasing.
December 2, 2010 at 9:22 pm #132232
Participantjust a little bump. still jonesing for these in native. pro tools has gone native.. would be nice to see anthology join the party. VST/AU. i think you'd sell a ton of them. everyone who has lusted after a harmonizer but couldn't fork over $3-5K would jump on the chance to own a bit of eventide in software form. i'm guessing eventide sold a fair amount of the stomp boxes for a similar reason. high quality, lower cost than full on harmonizer and you get some flavor of eventide in the studio.
anyway – eventide i love your stuff. i hope i can get it inside my computer to lot's of crazy things with. happy holidays.
December 21, 2010 at 5:16 am #132391
Member+1 – I would buy a native version in a heartbeat.
January 14, 2011 at 7:18 pm #132588
Participantwas hopeful for something announced at NAMM but alas. another stomp box pedal. all well and good but TDM is going to become a smaller and smaller market for plug in manufacturers.. now is the time to get in on the native majority 🙂
please please.
February 13, 2011 at 4:16 pm #132772
Participantanother vote for badly need native please! computers are getting so good that it will make TDM obsolete sooner rather than later.
July 2, 2011 at 2:08 am #122371
ParticipantI sure hope you find a way to make your plugs native, they are the only reason I stay TDM, got to have those Eventide plug ins, I own the Anthology II bundle, and will always support your products, but Native is the way things are heading and fast.
August 17, 2011 at 4:05 pm #133727
ParticipantAnother vote here for a native version. Maybe just start with an RTAS version.
August 21, 2011 at 9:01 am #133732
Member+1 on a Native version
+1 on not having a dongle (the reason why I didn't buy Waves)
Perhaps the Native version could be sold on an as-converted basis? Once you converted plugin #1, sell it for $199, $299 or whatever. Once you converted plugin #2, sell that too for another $199, $299 or whatever. People don't have to wait for ages until the whole set is converted, and they can start using Eventide products at a lower initial cost too, instead of having to buy a giant bundle at a matching cost. A win-win marketing approach.
October 21, 2011 at 6:23 pm #133900
ParticipantSo Now that Avid have announced the new AAX Plugin format with PT10 do Eventide intent to update the Anthology bundle and perhaps provide native support?
October 21, 2011 at 6:48 pm #133901
Participanti wonder what this means for TDM stuff as well. it appears the new DSP cards for avid are quite powerful and aren't going to go away so i'm sure all the TDM plugs will jump to the new format sooner or later.. it could be a tough time for some developers making yet another format – depending on how easy/difficult avid has made it to get from TDM to whatever the new format is.. also, it appears the new format replaces RTAS??? so maybe that means there will be one less format at some point.. but it's not like every pro tools user is gonna jump on the update and rock the boat on what is probably their stable system. plus,the updates aren't exactly inexpensive for the average user. updates for the HD version is like $999 or something.
so, it's 'clear as mud' as to what this means for native versions of the anthology bundle. i hope there is a silver lining somewhere.. it would be really great to have these as native plugs inside logic/live etc and not be chained to a DSP dongle 🙂
October 21, 2011 at 8:23 pm #133902
MemberAAX? Oh great. Nothing like format that even less widespread than TDM to fracture an already decreasing market share.
Now Anthology II will need a Native Version more than ever.
October 24, 2011 at 6:33 pm #133907
Participantso i guess you've all seen the announcement that eventide is going native w/its plug ins?
thank you eventide! i can't wait for H3000 factory and the band delays!!!
there is info in this article about the native turn of events.
October 25, 2011 at 3:01 pm #133908
AAX? Oh great. Nothing like format that even less widespread than TDM to fracture an already decreasing market share.
We have announced that we are also doing them for AU and VST2. Hope these formats are not also too obscure for you.
October 25, 2011 at 6:56 pm #133912
ParticipantHi Nickrose –
i just wanted to say thanks for moving into the native formats! i'm super stoked. i know you guys have your work cut out for you but i'm wondering if there is a release schedule or roadmap for which plug ins will be released when? or if there will be bundles etc?
any other info you can share would be much appreciated. though i'm sure your hands are tied a bit and you have to let things come through official channels for announcements etc.
anyway – thanks again!
November 12, 2011 at 12:57 am #133954
Hey Guys,
Sorry, but we can't announce an plan or an order yet. However, we do plan on continuing to release native plug-ins. You can actually help us make the plan by letting us know which you would like us to do next.
November 12, 2011 at 1:35 am #133955
ParticipantHi Dan –
thanks for the reply. as for which plug to do next.. for me it's a no brainer.. i'd love the H3000 Factory. hands down that is what it's all about to me.
happy coding and have a good weekend.
November 25, 2011 at 1:57 am #133997
ParticipantWould love to see the H3000 in an AudioUnit. Would buy it without hesitation!
December 8, 2011 at 2:21 am #134050
MemberWhich plugin to do first? Whichever emulates Eventide's hardware harmonizer… I have tons of reverbs and EQs and compressors already
December 25, 2011 at 8:10 pm #134099
Participant#1: Eventide Reverb !!!
#2: 2016 (all)
December 31, 2011 at 4:00 am #134116
ParticipantYES !! i knew this day would come !!1
i'm excited for any native plugs from eventide
a suggestion would be some advanced effects like modulation & spectral delays
harmonizers would be dope
January 6, 2012 at 12:22 am #134125
ParticipantRegardless if this is native, I am still looking to add the coming H3000 effects to my collection, will these be as good as or close to the reverbs and effects of the H8000FW?
January 6, 2012 at 5:18 am #134126
Hi Zap,
The H3000 Factory plug-in, which we're porting from the TDM version, is a re-creation of the Patch Factory, Mod Factory 1, and Mod Factory 2 algorithms from the H3000. As such, it's not intended to just any of the effects in the H8000, but rather some of the effects in the H3000. That being said, it sound darn good and will be a faithful reproduction of the very popular PT TDM plug-in.
The BlackHole plug-in, which we also pre-announced, is the exact same core algorithm from the H8000. The only changes we're to the knob ranges to make it more playable, and the addition of a predelay and feedback, which make it sound awesome.
As long as I've been here we've never reduced the quality of an algorithm to avoid competition with our more expensive products, nor will we. If it's not worth making it sound as good as possible, it's not worth making it at all.
January 11, 2012 at 12:37 am #134143
I have a few questions for you. I really appreciate Eventide releasing the Native/AU of the H3000. I've dreamed about owning one for a long time & now I will in March! My questions:
What specifically are Mod Factory 1&2 & Patch factory?
Will one be able to load the differing versions of the H3000 like the SE/DX series?
Will one be able to load 3rd party & Eventide presets such as the Vai presets for guitar?
Any video tutorials for the H3000?
Will I be able to get the two following tones from the upcoming release:
The Big Country 'bagpipe' sound…
The A Flock of Seagulls general tone of the first two albums?
…Yes I love the '80's… Very much.
January 13, 2012 at 10:37 pm #134151
Hi Farrell,
The H3000 has around 20 algorithms. The Mod Factory and Patch Factory algorithms are all based on the idea of different modules which you can patch together to create your own sounds. Because of this, you can create a large number of different presets, from delays to pitch shifters, to chorus, dynamics, and special effects. Since the Factory plug-in only recreates those 3 algorithms, it will include a large number of presets from the H3000, but only the ones based on those 3 algorithms. At this time, I don't yet know what the full compliment of presets will be for the Factory Plug-in.
We don't have any video tutorials for the H3000, unfortunately, but we are working to put the original manual online for you.
Unfortunately, I also don't know those specific sounds. Perhaps when we get closer to the product release I can take a closer look for you.
February 1, 2012 at 12:22 am #134196
ParticipantAny chance of releasing the native plugs as VST's for Mac? I know a lot of Cubase heads on Mac's that would love to be able to use these.
February 10, 2012 at 4:42 pm #134228
ParticipantCould we please wait until the plugs are ported to AAX-native first?
I'm sure there's little work to be done regarding AU/VST once the plugs are ported to Native to begin with…
February 10, 2012 at 7:46 pm #134233
I think the general plan is to release them for AAX Native (PC/MAC) and AU (Mac of course) and VST (PC/MAC) at much the same time. Obviously this is a lot of work, so they will appear one by one, rather than en masse.
February 24, 2012 at 1:27 am #134273
The H3000 has around 20 algorithms. (snip) Since the Factory plug-in only recreates those 3 algorithms
Question: are the non-recreated 17 algorithms related to harmonizing? Or are they just miscellania like delay, flanging, reverb, etc. I'm asking because if a hardware H3000 will offer harmonizing features unavailable in the software version, I might just pick up an old second hand H3000.
February 24, 2012 at 4:19 pm #134274
Just to be clear – the Factory plugin is NOT a H3000 recreation – it is a separate product based on a number of the H3000 algorithms.
To answer your question – the "non-recreated" effects are roughly divided between shifters, reverbs and "other." The H3000 manual can be purchased from the Eventide Store if you need more information.
Note that while the H3000 has its own charmingly funky sound, it is a 25 year old product without any digital I/O or modern features. The shifters and special effects are still popular, but some say the reverbs do not compare well with present-day examples.
February 24, 2012 at 8:58 pm #134277
Just to be clear – the Factory plugin is NOT a H3000 recreation
Oh? Here I stand corrected. I guess it's ebay time, then.
March 19, 2012 at 9:12 am #134339
MemberSo now that it's March 19th, and you stated it would be available this month, can you finally tell us the official H3000 native release date? Don't you want to give a heads up to those who've been biting at the bit and plan to purchase it immediately? Come on, month's almost over. Throw us a line here 😉
April 18, 2012 at 3:10 am #134424
Participanti'm wondering too. i hope they're close. seems these things always take longer than expected and developers shoot themselves in the foot by offering up a preliminary release date.
oh well. i've waited this long and would rather have it bug free and working as it should than have it now and buggy etc.
so, get it right eventide.. i'm patient 🙂
April 18, 2012 at 2:40 pm #134425
Hi Guys,
Thanks for your patience. We have run in to some technical difficulties on the port, but are still working on it and it will still be coming out. It is still slated for after the Blackhole plug-in release, which should be very soon.
April 18, 2012 at 3:26 pm #134427
Participantwill it be one upgrade for the whole bundle? Or even free to current TDM bundle owners?
E.g. i should hold of from buying the omnipressor upgrade and just buy the bundle upgrade?
April 19, 2012 at 2:39 pm #134429
Hi Neil,
I think the long term plan is to eventually do the entire Anthology II bundle, but I'm hesitant to promise as much because I just don't know. Even if we do do the entire bundle, it won't be for quite a while and we may have to have a cross-grade price simply because of the amount of work involved.
Since we've been porting these plug-ins one at a time, we've been using the same license as the current individual plug-ins which makes the plug-in free to current owners of those individual licenses, so if you own a "Factory" license in iLok.com, you'll be able to just download the new installer and use it in TDM or Native. Because we can't take away your "Anthology II" license (without you losing the ability to use Anthology II), we can't do the same thing with Anthology II users. So what we've chosen to do is offer aggressive cross-grade pricing which allows you to keep you Anthology II license and use A2 on TDM, plus allows you to get a full Omnipressor license which allows you to run Omnipressor Native or TDM. The idea being, if you have A2 and only ever use Omnipressor, you can crossgrade to Omnipressor and sell your A2 license.
The short story is this. We're really happy to be making Native Plug-ins, but it's going to take a while and we're kind of playing it by ear. We want to make the best plug-ins out there and we want you to use them on all your tracks. We also really appreciate all of our current users who've been using them for years and want to make sure they have every opportunity to continue doing so, while hopefully also bring out some new plug-ins for you all to use.
I hope this crazy long response to your short question was clear. Let me know if it wasn't.
April 19, 2012 at 2:41 pm #134430
One more thing,
We also want you to post links to music you used the plug-ins on, because really, that's what it's all about and we love hearing that stuff.
May 3, 2012 at 12:40 am #134490
MemberI picked up an unrelated harmonizer in the meantime to practice vocal harmonizing. (I still plan to get an Eventide product). Using the practice unit, I learned that of all the 100's of harmonizing possibilities, the only one that I really need is the feature where I can sing in a mike, hold a swanky 8-voice jazz chord on a MIDI keyboard, and hear my singing harmonized to that chord.
Will the native version of Anthology II do this? If not, does an old Eventide H3000 hardware unit do this? I read the Eventide H3000 manual, but is MIDI and Parameter Modulation chapter does not detail such capability. It only says "MIDI notes could be used to set the amount of pitch shift. … See the chapter of Parameter Modulation." where it adds nothing more. (Is such MIDI-based pitch shifting monophonic? Polyphonic? Restricted to a scale? How many voices? Go guess.)
May 3, 2012 at 3:58 pm #134492
There is no native version of Anthology II at present.
Our hardware boxes will take in a MIDI note value and use this to shift your vocal. Sounds like this is what you need. Note that H3000 is obsolete and we can offer little support for it.
May 3, 2012 at 5:57 pm #134498
There is no native version of Anthology II at present.
OK. Will the H3000 Factory plug-in do the MIDI value -> vocal pitch shifting, described in my previous post?
May 4, 2012 at 3:02 pm #134500
It probably will. When it is fully released I would suggest you download a demo version, to be sure. My lack of certainty here is based on the fact that I can't know exactly what you want, so best that you check it yourself.
May 4, 2012 at 6:10 pm #134501
MemberExactly what I want is to sing into a mike, play a 8-voice chord on a MIDI keyboard, and have my voice harmonized to those 8 notes by the Factory plugin.
Now, the Waves Morphoder claims to provide such a MIDI feature too, but this feature works only with certain DAWs, and my Ableton Live is not one of them. So I'm holding my fingers crossed that the Factory plugin will implement the feature correctly.
May 4, 2012 at 6:55 pm #134502
Hi Mr Delurk,
The H3000 Factory plug-in does not have 8 voices of pitch shift, so it will not do this. The plug-in that may do what you're looking for is the Eventide Octavox, but we don't have a planned release date for that on native yet.
August 10, 2012 at 5:12 pm #134760
Participantis there a planned release date fr any of the other plug ins? H3000 factory??
August 10, 2012 at 9:29 pm #134762
Hi Dayjob111,
We have not yet announced a planned release date for Factory. However, work is ongoing and it will be released.
August 27, 2012 at 4:08 am #134802
MemberThe weird thing is, having bought an actual hardware H3000 instead of waiting for the plugins any further, only one of this OS 1.53 unit's presets does MIDI-controlled pitch shifting, #211 Rock 'N' Roll. And even this preset does it only monophonically. Hmmm.
I tried to see what makes this preset work with MIDI unlike the others. No gratification around the Function key, the MIDI settings seems to be common to all H3000 presets.
So I moved on to the Parameter key, looked at various parameters of preset 211, what makes it MIDI pitch shift. I copied the likeliest culprit, the "Last note & PW = 7.0 Ch +0" value to other presets. Still no pitch shift by MIDI keys pressed on any other preset. Not even monophonically, let alone in polyphony.
I just don't get it. Doesn't H3000's pitch shift polyphonically by MIDI note at all? Is it a function of only later models, like the H3000D/SE, or H3500 or whatever? But they were called harmonizers since day one. I'm lost.
September 3, 2012 at 11:04 am #134818
MemberStatus report: trying to upgrade the H3000 to D/SE to see if I get poly MIDI note pitch shifting bricked the box.
Not the best outcome, but this solves my question too. 🙂 As they say, the lack of an answer is an answer too. Greetings
October 20, 2015 at 7:54 pm #141192
Participantnecro thread bump! wow it’s hear 🙂 anthology X.
wonder if there is any discount for owners of individual eventide plug ins?
October 20, 2015 at 7:57 pm #141193
Participantdayjob111 wrote:necro thread bump! wow it’s here 🙂 anthology X.
wonder if there is any discount for owners of individual eventide plug ins?
oh duh.. i guess i could’ve read the product page. discounts for current owners of individual plug ins thank you EVENTIDE! 🙂
October 20, 2015 at 8:07 pm #141194
Participantdayjob111 wrote:necro thread bump! wow it’s hear 🙂 anthology X.
wonder if there is any discount for owners of individual eventide plug ins?
Yes there is but I do find the upgrade price a bit steep. I have four plugins from the bundle but I still need to pay 399,00 dollars and this is just (even if it’s hard work I won’t deny that) a native port of the existing Anthology bundle II. Come on guys, look at the upgrade policy from Soundtoys that’s more like it!!!
October 21, 2015 at 10:31 pm #141213
ParticipantHello!I have Anthology II TDM which I use in Pro Tools 10 HD on my Mac Pro.Can I use TDM plug-ins as before in Pro Tools 10 HD, if will buy upgrade to Anthology X ?The idea is to work in Logic Pro X using Anthology X plug-ins and with TDM plug-ins from Anthology II when running ProTools HD system. Is it possible?Sincerely, Edward -
October 21, 2015 at 10:57 pm #141214
Hi om-studio,
The best way to handle this is to upgrade to Anthology X and contact support@eventide.com to let them know your situation and we'll send you an NFR for Anthology II.
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