Natural Feedback Creation Algo for H90

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Natural Feedback Creation Algo for H90

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    • #172005

      it would be nice to add this feature in some pitch algos or create  a dedicated one maybe.

    • #172008

      I have built some on the H9000, but not sure I can migrate them to the H90

    • #172011

      I have built some on the H9000, but not sure I can migrate them to the H90

      I’m curious on how you structured that (the component algorithms / patching you used).

      I have a POG-like Program (DynaVerb OmniPressor -> PolyPhony) that I’ve considered modifying as a natural harmonic feedbacker.  Perhaps using the HotSwitches for FreqOut-like harmonic switching.  I’d need to re-configure some kind of trailing sustain into the mix.

    • #172066

      interesting, where i can find your pog like algos? @brock

      • #172068

        There are a few up on PatchStorage, with more in the wings.  They get reasonably close, but are far from perfect.(I’ve gotten side-tracked lately on the impossible task of emulating all 32 Lexicon Vortex algorithms).

        If you d/l this particular one, the DynaVerb Threshold of -12.0 dB is too high of a trigger level for most systems.  Dial it up to ~ -36 dB (+/-).  I need to fix that one.

      • #172090

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      • #172096

        Quite frankly, I am catching Holy Hell by attempting to pull this off.  I have a Vortex here for 1:1 later on, but I wanted to get the H90 algo selection & placement down first.  No preconceptions.

        Which means trying to cram 4-8 distinct effects into two Presets, without relying on Inserts, or any non-standard external controllers [envelope follower].  True audio morphing is a lost cause; some of the cross-feedback routing just can’t be done (so far).

        I’m shooting for accuracy (otherwise, what’s the point?), but I may have to settle for “Inspired By”.  Or leaving out some of the “Registers”.

        Then again, every time I revisit the project, I get a “What if I used *this* algo instead?”.  So, still clinging on to hope here …

    • #172364

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    • #172376

      I have built some on the H9000, but not sure I can migrate them to the H90

      I’m curious on how you structured that (the component algorithms / patching you used). I have a POG-like Program (DynaVerb OmniPressor -> PolyPhony) that I’ve considered modifying as a natural harmonic feedbacker. Perhaps using the HotSwitches for FreqOut-like harmonic switching. I’d need to re-configure some kind of trailing sustain into the mix.

      The manual with the block diagram for one example is available here –

      On the H9000 its possible to completely rewire things at the algorithm level, whereas the H90 seems to be more like rearranging existing algorithms, similar to a H9000 chain (I don’t own a H9 or H90). I’m not sure if it is possible to load a custom algorithm onto the H90 without Eventide’s help. I suspect that they use the same toolkit to build the H90 algorithms, but pretty sure they have a custom tool to prepare algorithms for the H90, as opposed to the H9000.


    • #172382

      on the h9/h90 there is no way to “deep” modify algos, you can use only 2 algo on h90 (paralles or in series), you could put a second h9/h90 in the insert of other h90 for example, but it will be trickier to setup things

    • #172383

      The manual with the block diagram for one example is available here – On the H9000 its possible to completely rewire things at the algorithm level, whereas the H90 seems to be more like rearranging existing algorithms, similar to a H9000 chain (I don’t own a H9 or H90). I’m not sure if it is possible to load a custom algorithm onto the H90 without Eventide’s help. I suspect that they use the same toolkit to build the H90 algorithms, but pretty sure they have a custom tool to prepare algorithms for the H90, as opposed to the H9000.

      Thanks for that.  Compression in a feedback loop (using a Beebo through the Inserts) showed promise.  It’s going to be a challenge to translate that to a universal H90 setup.

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