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    • #171607

        i just bought an eventide micropitch delay and when it got home i kind a confuse how to put in in my pedalboard. How to working it as a stereo device and make it full use of it.

        Can u guys gimme some tips and hints what i have to do. Ill share what i use in my old pedal board.



      • #171608

          Looks like you’re not using amps?

          I’d place the MP between the Timeline and Big Sky.

          Start with the first preset (H3000 MicroPitch), turn the mix knob to 12:00 (it’s on 100% wet from the factory) and go from there.

          The input of the MP is stereo, but you need an insert cable or a TRS to dual TS adapter to use it. Also set the switch on the back to Stereo.

          Watch this video for more details:

        • #171609
            • #171614

                This is my pedalboard ampless rig, so im not using any amp. Boss ir200 act as an amp and cab. But it only have one input and output sent and return.

                So i just need a trs cable??

                And why between? Is it mod pedal have to be in before delay and reverb?? Or should i take out the timeline since MP has delay too??

            • #171618

                And why between? Is it mod pedal have to be in before delay and reverb??

                This is just my personal preference. I really like the tone of a stereo delay into the Micropitchshift sound, but you should experiment with the position of the MP in the chain and see what you like best. there are no rules here.

                Or should i take out the timeline since MP has delay too??

                While the MP has a very nice delay, it is obviously not as versatile as the Timeline. if you need all the options the Timeline has to offer (analog, tape, looper, etc.) you might want to keep both.


                So i just need a trs cable??

                If you want to use the stereo input of the MP, you’d need an insert cable or the adapter I mentioned earlier.
                Watch the video I posted above, it shows in detail how to connect everything.

              • #171631

                  Oohh and one more, can i powered MP with cioks dc7?? Necause it says 9v 4,5W….its new to me for a pedal with this. Ussually it mAh…

                  Sorry for the stupod question, just dont wanna break the pedals

                • #171642

                    According to the spec sheet, the MP requires 9V DC @ 300mA.

                    I’m not familiar with the DC7, but if you have a 9V DC outlet that supplies at least 300mA you’ll be fine.

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