Neural amp modeler for the H9000

Home Forums Products Rackmount Neural amp modeler for the H9000

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    • #172445



        I bet you know of NAM

        Any chance of getting NAM or similar running on the H9000 at some point?

        Would be super cool to be able to run different amp/fx models and cabinet IRs directly on the H9000!

        Would this be at all possible to implement? I mean the code is open-source, so perhaps it could be ported to H9000 somehow?

      • #172465

          The H9000 is not really set up for convolution or processing impulse responses.  The available DSP blocks don’t support it currently and there is no way to load audio samples into the H9000 without sampling them into a delay buffer, so the chances of this being implemented are pretty low IMHO.

        • #172498

            Hi Puppeteer.

            Thanks for your reply. Good to know. Hopefully this is something that can be added at a later date, but I guess I will not keep my hopes up then.

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