New Algorithm – Zig Zag Delay

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    • #172229

        This is a unique delay with a normal and a reverse delay feeding into a feedback network. Syncable to MIDI with independent pans, this delay can create push/pull sounds and many, many interesting textures.

        I haven’t done a free algorithm for a while, so I’m making this one free.

        Look down the right hand margin and look for Zig Zag Delay.

        If you want to support my work, please consider buying me a coffee of subscribing at


      • #172247

          Hi guys, I discovered a bug where the wet/dry was not connected to the dry signal, related to swapping VSIG versions. If you have previously downloaded this, please delete and redownload from the same location. The manual is v1.01.

          Here is a demo video of the algorithm in use.

        • #172252

            Hey Puppet, this algo is very very cool! lot of fun playing with it!

            It’s great the way it is, but I can’t help indicating my ideas.

            I didn’t quite understand the pan logic. It would be nice to be able to centre the zig zags more.

            Secondly, just a suggestion… I think it’s a shame that the feedbacks aren’t individual.  I think a shorter feedback for the zag could could very interesting:

            “chhhhHHHH tok tok tok tok tok” (writing imitation lol)

            And finally, I think this algo is so good that it would be worth working on it further by adding applicable filters or modulations for example.

            But in any case thank you for this algo as it is. It is really awesome.

          • #172254

              For the pans. Zig and Zag pans the initial hit into the stereo feedback delay. Set them to 0 if you want them panned centre.

              The FB pan is like a width control. 100% preserves the pan fed to the FB delay (left will always pan left, right will always pan right). 0% will pan FB taps to always be centre, -100% swaps the pan on each FB loop so if a left singlan feeds the FB it will go right, left, right, left.

              I could make the feedbacks as dual mono so you have a 2 time controls for it, and feedbacks. Would that solve the issue? You can’t really feed back to the reverse delay as each pass would reverse the direction so it would go backward, forward, backward, and that would get imprinted into the delay sample. It would quickly become incoherent, and would likely sound more reverb like, but would be noisy due to artefacts.

              One issue is that there is a stereo mix stage before the feedback loop. I could make another version where zig and zag have an individual feedback loop before the mixer, but it would not be possible to ping pong delay taps in this case unless I add another feedback stage. Would that be desirable, given it will make the UI quite a bit more complicated?

              Where would you want the filters, in the feedback loop?  What modulation, chorus/flanger/phaser, and where? In the feedback.loop, or near the mixer between delay stages are the only places that make sense, as you could add input modulation or output modulation by making a H9000 chain.

              Happy to do more work in this, because it does sound pretty nice.

            • #172263

                Thank you. I didn’t understand well the algorithm( I usually don’t read the instructions: shame on me). Now I see better.

                For the pan, I understood how it works.

                About the separate feedback control, I think it should be a completely different algorithm: I imagined a delay with a kind of simple pattern of normal and reverse repetitions.

                For example:

                (left)wooap (right)pop pop pop …

                It’s really something else, another algorithm. So it’s an idea to put in a corner for later.

                About modulations or filters. A low-pass filter on repetitions is always nice on a delay: the delay becomes darker as it goes.
                As for modulation, there’s plenty to choose from (flanger, phaser, chorus, vibe, distortion). But spontaneously, I’m saying more of a phaser or vibe.
                But you (we) have to think about it: it need one original idea that works well with the zig-zag concept, not plenty of parameters. In my opinion: the simple and powerfull the algo the better it is.



              • #172264

                  For example:

                  (left)wooap (right)pop pop pop …

                  You can do this.

                  Load preser zig zig zig zag. Make the zag delay shorter than the zig delay and you should get close.

                  Good idea about the low.pass. I’ll look at puting this in. I’ll have a think about modulation. I may also do a version with pitch shifting in the feedback.loop, I think that would be interesting.

                • #172298


                    Do you think that it would be possible to make an tapestop effect with samphold in vsig

                  • #172301

                      You could build a tapestop, but not with samphold (well maybe you could by modulating the newsamp really quickly, but I think that would be a hard approach).  It would be much easier to build one with dlysmp2 in the delay menu. Start a recording, or dub recording with a button, and use that button to also trigger an envelope to slow the playback speed down to 0.

                    • #172631

                        Zig Zag Delay 2 is out now.  Free to my Buy Me A Coffee subscribers.


                        I’ve added independent control of both feedback paths, as well as filters and pitchshifting in the feedback.  The upgraded algorithm easily creates pitch spirals, natural delay tap decay, and the filters can be modulated for resonant filter effects in the feedback path.  There are a range of presets included for both algorithms to get you started.

                        Here is the updated block diagram of the algorithm.



                      • #172920

                          how do you load and save the presets?

                        • #172921

                            Loading the presets is covered in the manual, but basically load the algorithm, note down the algorithm number and then use the tool here – to modify the presets to the algorithm location.  There is a video on how to do it here – After that, load the modified presets.

                            To save a preset, change the parameters to what you like and then in emote, go to preset then Save As (to save it to your computer HDD),  or Save To H9000, give it a name and it will save them under the algorithm on the H9000.

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